Featured Speaker: Alexander Cockburn

Featured Speaker: Alexander Cockburn

Alexander Cockburn, nationally renowned columnist and author
Alexander Cockburn
(Photo by Tao Ruspoli)

Campus Theme 2005-06

Dissent In A Free Society

Featured Speaker:

Alexander Cockburn

Thursday, September 29, 2005
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
in Strebel Auditorium

Alexander Cockburn, noted columnist for The Nation will be the featured speaker on campus during Banned Books Week.

Mr. Cockburn is one of America's best-known political journalists. He currently writes a nationally syndicated column for the Los Angeles Times and co-edits the bi-weekly newsletter CounterPunch. His latest book, written with CounterPunch co-editor Jeffrey St. Clair, is Al Gore: A User's Manual (Verso 2000).

Mr. Cockburn will be on campus for two days to meet with faculty and community representatives, to participate in classes and the banned book reading, and to give a public talk entiltled "The Limits Of Dissent" on the evening of Thursday, September 29th.

> For a listing of Campus Theme events, click here.

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