Exploring Key Issues
One of Utica College's most enjoyable traditions is the "Campus Theme," a year-long opportunity for all members of the College community to explore issues of great social importance from a variety of viewpoints. Events sponsored by other campus organizations, offices, or programs may all participate in and be recognized for "theme related" activities. The theme committee reviews proposals for theme sponsored events and contributes, as approved, to the funding of events that foster the campus theme. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in and suggest: - Public events that benefit the UC community
- Classroom discussions
- All-College forums
Campus Theme 2019-2021
The theme emphasizes inclusion, diversity, and lifelong learning during a time when these values are lacking in much of American society.
-Daniel Cruz
Ph.D. Associate Professor of English
Submitted new Campus Theme idea
Ph.D. Associate Professor of English
Submitted new Campus Theme idea
The Campus Theme Committee welcomes your ideas, and your energy. We are eager to support your programs as they bring a new understanding of what drives change both now and in the future.

or if you represent a student or other campus organization and wish to request funding for a campus theme event, use our convenient online suggestion form.