Academic Advising

Academic Advising

Academic Advising

What is Academic Advising?

Academic advising is the process through which a student works with an adviser to choose the courses, programs, and majors that are most appropriate. The adviser helps the student understand the opportunities and requirements of the college's general education program and a specific major. The adviser also helps students deal with any academic issues that may arise, such as a desire to change majors.

Information for Students

If you have already declared a major when you arrive at Utica College, an adviser from that field will be assigned to work with you. If you have not declared a major, you will work with a professional counselor from the Office of Student Success or with a faculty member.

Your Responsibilities

  • You are ultimately responsible for knowing and fulfilling all the degree requirements. You should check the college catalog and departmental information to make sure you know what these requirements are. Utica College's general education requirements can be downloaded from this web page. The requirements for the various majors can also be downloaded from this web page.
  • Each semester, you will be notified by the college of the time when you can register for the next semester's classes. Prior to your registration time you should make an appointment to meet with your adviser. When you meet with your adviser you should have a provisional schedule of the courses you want to take the following semester. Information about the courses offered and the times they can be taken appear in the Schedule of Classes which is available through Banner web at

Information for Advisers

Advising involves more than simply making sure students meet Utica College's core requirements and the requirements of a major - it includes helping students make the most the academic opportunities available to them.

Your Responsibilities

  • Work with students to help them find the course of study most appropriate for them. This may mean helping them explore the possibility of a different major. The requirements for the different majors can be downloaded from this web page.
  • Make sure that students have met all the requirements necessary to be graduated from Utica College.
  • Be familiar with the resources available to students, including Counseling Services, Student Success, Career Services, Tutoring Services, and the Math and Writing Centers.
  • Be easily available to students during such crucial periods as pre-registration and add/drop. At other times you should be available by appointment and during regularly scheduled office hours.
There is more information about advising in the Utica College Student Advising Manual.

Important Information:

Core Curriculum
Requirements for Academic Majors

Contact Us

Stephanie R. Nesbitt, J.D.

Stephanie R. Nesbitt, J.D.

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
(315) 792-3122

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