The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Jason Kawall

The Applied Ethics Institute at Utica University - Jason Kawall

November 29, 2018

Professor Jason Kawall

"Policy, Ethics, and the Environment: The Place of Character"

  Jason Kawall  Jason Kawall

At 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 29, 2018, Professor Jason Kawall gave a public lecture titled "Policy, Ethics, and the Environment: The Place of Character". The talk was hosted hosted in Carbone  Auditorium on Utica College's campus at 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY.

Professor Kawall highlighted how the environment is widely believed to be under assault by the current administration, with profound policy changes being initiated across federal departments and bureaus. He first argued, quite generally, for a central role for ethical thought in understanding and responding to such environmental challenges. He then explored in greater depth the role of personal moral character and virtue in addressing environmental concerns, making use of recent work in behavioural economics and positive psychology. From world leaders to city councillors, and from CEOs to ‘ordinary’ individuals in our daily lives, our virtues – and our vices - will fundamentally shape our possibilities for achieving flourishing, sustainable societies.

Jason Kawall

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