FILM@UC | Spring 2019

FILM@UC | Spring 2019


archive | spring 2019

All showings Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. in Macfarlane Auditorium.  Admission is free.

King in the Wilderness
January 17

King in the Wilderness

[2018, USA, dir. Peter Kunhardt, 115 mins.]
A powerful, yet quiet and understated, documentary about the final 18 months of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, humanizing him as a conflicted leader beset on all sides, struggling with self-doubt and physical and mental exhaustion, and facing criticism for his vocal opposition to the U.S. war in Vietnam and his schism with leaders of the growing Black Power movement over his insistence on nonviolence.

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January 24

Owned, A Tale of Two Americas

[2018, USA, dir. Georgio Angelini, 83 mins.]
This documentary about the ugly side of the American Dream lays bare the roots of the American housing economy’s racist underpinnings and the systematic and unequal division of opportunity between whites and blacks in the postwar U.S. housing market, the effects of which still haunt us today.

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The Saint Bernard Syndicate
January 31

The Saint Bernard Syndicate

[2018, Denmark, dir. Mads Brügger, 88 mins.]
Two hapless entrepreneurs attempt to make their fortune selling Saint Bernard dogs as luxury items to status-hungry middle class clients in China in the first fictional film by subversive Danish gonzo journalist and international provocateur Mads Brügger.

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The Guilty
February 7

The Guilty

[2018, Denmark, dir. Gustav Möller, 85 mins.]
A tense, thoroughly engrossing thriller set in only two rooms: one in which an emergency dispatcher, with only his phone and computer, desperately scrambles to save a terrified woman who says she’s been kidnapped in another, unknown location.

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Film: Burning
February 14


[2018, South Korea, dir. Lee Chang-dong, 148 mins.]
Haemi has two rival suitors: Jongsoo,who is quiet, rudderless, and working class, and Ben, a wealthy but bored urbanite with a penchant for arson,in this acclaimed mystery thriller about class conflict and obsessive love.

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Budapest Noir
February 21

Budapest Noir

[2018, Hungary, dir. Éva Gárdos, 95 mins.]
A beautiful Jewish girl is found dead, thrusting an investigative reporter into a seedy underworld of brothels, boxing rings, gangsters and politicians in this film noir thriller set in the slums of the Hungarian capital during the rise of Hitler and the Nazis in 1936.

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February 28


[2016, Spain/USA, dir. Andrew Becker & Daniel Mehrer, 83 mins.]
After a Dutch couple, Margo and Martin Verfondern, start a new life in an idyllic, remote village in northwestern Spain, Martin mysteriously disappears and their only neighbors, the Rodriguez family, become suspects in this absorbing rural true-crime documentary.

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Working Woman
March 7

Working Woman

[2018, Israel, dir. Michal Aviad, 93 mins.]
Orna, a wife and mother of three, returns to the workplace when hired by a successful Jerusalem real estate developer, only to find her rapid career advancement marred by escalating sexual harassment from her boss.

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Contact Us

Jeffrey A. Miller, Ph.D.

Jeffrey A. Miller, Ph.D.

Chair and Associate Professor of Communication and Media
207 Faculty Center
(315) 792-3086

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