10 English

10 English

The sea Portonovo, July 3  The day before yesterday when I arrived at the seashore, Uncle and Aunt from Portonovo were waiting for  me,  and all the cousins, too. Although you say that I'm a little weak from the epidemic, Uncle says that I am like a whale and that when I go to the beach with his whales (the cousins) I will turn into a shark (Uncle knows a lot about sea animals).
   That day in the afternoon we went to a beach, about which Seíño and Nolo say  it is very coastal, and I soaked up a  lot of sun, as you told me to do, and I even did what you were saying about the sea breeze (inhale and exhale, or something like what  you say).
  At the beach there is a bank of sand, at the water's edge, and when the tide goes down, a  pond is left and  we caught  a lot of crabs there. We went to the rocks, too, with a rake and a stick with bait on its point and we caught a lot of prawms and  shrimp . Nolo even caught a  Velvet swimcrab and I caught three crabs and a big crab, but since these weren't the kind to eat, we had to let them go.
   When the tide rose, we started to look for empty boxes and bottles in the seaweed, the boxes and bottle float well and are like boats.  I fought with Nolo because he wanted them to be  xeiteira  boats and I wanted them to be  bous,  but it was a little argument and he won (so that you can tell dad that I am following his advice to be  good).
  Seaweed makes me nauseous, but what is worse are the  golfos  and  cord-like seaweed because the cousins play with them as if they were ropes  and they slip in a way down my face that  it makes me shiver  to even say it.
   Yesterday we couldn't go swimming because the water was very violent and there were currents, but we were watching the surf break and how the sea hit the rocks.  At times, the water rose so much that we fled running, before the waves broke and gave us a nice shower.
   Today  we could go swimming because the weather got better.  It was the best day I have had.  We went to another beach near the house and from a low spot that was dry, I dove under many times and a went carefully in order to not break my teeth as you told me.  Before I already asked Uncle if it was a dangerous place and he said no because there the bottom is clean and if it is not covered nor wild terrain, there is no danger; he said that you don't even have to worry about a murky bottom, but I think that there aren't any here.  I swam so much that I am full of bruises.

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Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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