11 English

11 English

Social Life  Mr and Mrs. de Souto already have been  in Santiago a week attending a meeting of doctors, or better said, a Pediatry Congress.  While Antón attends the lectures, meetings and group discussions, Rosario phones her friends to go out together.  Very eager, they go to a café and give the once over to all of their acquaintances- who got married, who is still single, who died, the other one who didn't go to the funeral, the other one who had a fight with the neighbor...
In that moment, their husbands show up.  They change conversation and start to talk about the last meeting, of the old man who is the head professor of such and such subject, or about  the latest car that so-and-so bought.  Someone suggests taking a stroll down Franco Street before going to eat.  It's a very reasonable proposal.  At the end, they decide to have coffee together, but Antón and Rosario excuse themselves, because they are invited to the house of some of Rosario's relatives and later they have to make an obligatory visit and although it may seem very corny, they have to take tea.  Antón says that it would be better to see everyone at seven thirty and to go to the movies later.  Everyone agrees.
Anton is working a little selfishly because on the day after arriving, they had the opportunity to go to the theater.  An opportunity, because one can go to the theater very few times in Santiago.  Very few understood what happened on stage, but nobody fidgeted in their seat.  At the  exit, there were commentaries for all tastes.  Rosario, philosophically, told her husband that they were growing old and that he in particular had a tendency to fall asleep in the seat.
So, Anton, without further ado, bought the tickets and called a restaurant to go and have supper after the movie. After having eaten well and having drunk well, nobody spoke of sleeping. They also agreed to go to a whiskey club and to dance until the closing and until they were thrown out.  And they went there.
Very late at night, Mr and Mrs. de Souto slowly and quietly  opened their door so as not to awaken anyone.  Henrique who had the habit of studying at night, left his room and was very surprised on seeing his parents  in the hall,  very serious and with their shoes in hand.  He thought, "people have fun at   congresses".

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Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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