19 English

19 English

Nature  The whole class stirred when the teacher said:
"Today we are going to speak about things that we have in front of us, many times without realizing it.  We are going to speak about the sky, the earth, the sun,, the mountains.... In  a word, about nature.
"Let's see, Xusto!  she asked one of the boys,   What is the name of the star  in the sky that gives us heat during the day?"
"The sun", answered the boy.
"And the  heavenly  body  of the night?"
"The moon.
"Very good. But you already know that the moon is not always the same.  It has four phases or quarters which are : the crescent, the waning, the full moon and the new moon.  The light that is gives is called 'moon beams".
And that halo which it has sometimes...
"It is the corona",  someone from behind jumped in..
"Corona, yes,  But,  Who knows what those little specks of light are called that are seen in the sky when it's a clear night?"
"They are the stars", Lelo answered.  And I also know the names of some of them.
"Let's see, Lelo,  then tell them to us."
"Well.. the first one that is seen in the early evening is the  evening star, and the last to disappear in the morning is   the morning star.  Also there are the Big Dipper, Orion, the Pleiads... Oh, and the Milky Way. "
"It seems that you know a lot, Lelo!,   the teacher said.  After dawn, if you get up early, you can see day break.  The sun rises in the East.  All this time, until noon, is called morning.  And later, the afternoon comes. When evening comes, it is said to be between  'lusco e fusco'. And when there is a red color at sunset in the West it is called roibe'n.  After, dusk comes and finally, once again, night."
"I know what the thunder clouds are called, teacher."  said another of the children.
"Let's see, then tell us."
"They are the castelos.  And when there are those other clouds in the sky that seem like cotton, it's said that the sky is 'dotted with clouds'."
"Very good. We are going to talk a little about the air.  You already know that it is also called wind.  When it is very strong, it can even pull off the tiles from the houses and then it is called hurricane.  Sometimes it makes whirlwinds on the ground and the leaves from the trees begin to spin around."
"Teacher, what is the highest part of the mountains called?"
"It is called the summit.  Going down the sides of the mountain, you can arrive to a valley.  The rivers pass through the valleys.  There are rivers which do not carry water in the summer and then the riverbed stays dry."
The time for the class had finished. But the children - a very strange thing- did not want to leave.
"When will we have another class like this one, teacher?",  Lelo asked.
"Well, maybe, tomorrow."

Contact Us

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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