20 English

20 English

Games.  Sundays have a sportive character in the de Souto family, though the tastes don't  agree.  Uncle Pepe likes to play cards or domino.  At mid-afternoon he goes to the tavern.  If there are two, they play  escoba, if three, subastado; if there are four,  tute or brisca.  Brisca or tute, with four players or two are the most  passionate.

Antón doesn't like to play Parcheesi or checkers or chichón  very much  with Rosario.  They are used to betting and his wife almost always wins.  He, in order to recover, tries to play chess, but Rosario only lets him win in one of those games and she wins again.

As you can see, sport in the older members of the family is rather sedentary.

Henrique  lives his life for soccer.  He plays in all positions except goalie, although he prefers mid field or defense. As a forward he also does well, since he dribbles well.  He also plays basketball and he's on the  college team.

Carme, on the other hand, prefers ping-pong and gymnastics.  Recently, when she is in Coruña, she is learning how to play tennis. She is like a squirrel and has the reflexes of a fencer.

But the most active is Lelo. He plays everything: police and robbers, races, hide and seek, estornela, marbles and  How not?,  soccer.  When he comes home, he arrives all sweaty and sometimes full of blows, but ready to begin again.  He got the most serious injuries when he started to ride the bicycle.  Or the day in the mountain they tried to tame a wild mare.  The three of them were able to throw a rope , the three tied her to the wall, the three mounted  and  the three of them  were rescued from the first furze patch that the animal found.

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Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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