21 English

21 English

The market.  The other day, the Souto Seoane family went to Santiago because Rosario wasn't feeling well and Antón thought that it would be good to take her to a specialist.  They stopped at their aunt and uncle's house and since Aunt Mercedes has rheumatism, Carme stayed to run errands.  Going to the market didn't please her very much, so she decided to make a list with the necessary things for those days that they were going to be in Santiago and to get them all at once.  Here is the list:

1/2 kg.of onions                       6 dozen of eggs
2 bunches of parsley               7 liters of milk
2 cloves of garlic                     1 kg of  thigh steak
100  Padrón  peppers             1 rabbit
4 bunches of kale                    1 kg  of  Megrin fish
10 kg of potatoes                    3 kg of mussels
1/2  pound of sugar                 1 kg of pears
1/2 liter of oil                          1 kg pr peaches
1 and a half pounds of flour   1 kg of cherries

On arriving at the square, Carme saw such a quantity of  stands that she didn't know where to start.  Finally she decided to go first to the meat market where she asked them to take the orders of meat to the house.  The meat  vendor  recommended cow brains to her, but Carme remembered that they made Lelo sick and she decided not to get them.  Lelo was very  choosy about food; he didn't like brains, or liver, or kidneys, or tripe.  On the other hand, he loved ribs, pork chops and pig's head.
Then she went to the vegetable stand and made the corresponding purchases. In addition, she bought some carrots, beans, string beans, kale and a white cabbage to make soup.

At  the fish stand there were herrings, sardines, cod  and other  fish, but there wasn't any megrin or mussels,  so she had to order sea bream and clams.

On leaving the fish stands, the ladies with the eggs called her:
"little saint,  won't you buy a dozen of these speckled eggs from me?"
She approached and looked at the prices.
"How much will you charge me?"
"The speckled ones at fifteen pesos, the yellow ones at twelve and a half pesos, these white ones from the household hen at eight pesos and these from the farm at seven."
"Twelve and a half pesos for the yellow ones?"
"Oh, child"  "And what do you think?" "Look, look at the little one!"  "Look at how she bargains!"
"For twelve pesos and not a penny more."
"Take them, go, take them because we aren't going to quarrel for less than a peso."  "Won't you buy some country cheese?"  "It is all butter!"
"No we have a lot of  cottage cheese  for dessert."
And she went to buy fruit from Mrs. Hermesinda.  That day she had black grapes, apples, peaches, oranges, lemons, walnuts, dried chestnuts, figs.. Since she didn't have water  pears or cherries, she had to buy  butter pears and medlars. When she was leaving she remembered that Lelo had asked her for honey and she bought a jar.

Contact Us

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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