23 English

23 English

The weather.  Lelo has been happy for a week.  The snow came.  One Monday of December, at daybreak, it started to snow. Snowflakes after snowflakes were falling.  By dawn, Vilanova was white.  Lelo went to school and at twelve o'clock it finished.  Snow balls were crossing the air in all ways and many hit where they were intended to hit.  The cold went away quickly.

However, after having a good autumn of November, Grandfather's heart clouded up and he got ready to endure a winter of water and ice. It didn't rain or  hail but it snowed a lot.  Uncle Pepe approached the fire in order to wait for Spring. Neither December, or February with its Mardi Gras did any good for him.

The bad weather didn't please the doctor either.  The cold always brought sick people and having to go outside in the bad weather night after night left him as cold as an icicle.

For Rosario, July as August or March were the same to her. She always said, whether it was Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday she was burdened with work. Carme said to her that during the Summer, you can go to the beach, enjoy the sun and get tanned like a piece of coal.  For Henrique, who is eclectic, everything was the same to him. During a clear night, without wind, with the stars lighting the puddles in the street at the end of a party, he would come as happy as the moonlight on New Year's Eve, after having courted a pretty girl.  Carme says that the moon made  him stupid, that he lost his direction and better find him in the tavern in the warmth of the lareira.

But, even though they don't say it, June and July with their long afternoons, with the warm sunsets and with the falling of a cool night, are enjoyable for everyone.  For good reason it's  good weather.

Contact Us

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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