9 English

9 English

At the Restaurant  When the check arrived for Carlos, Henriques' roommate, he kept all the money in a wallet which he put in his back pants' pocket. That day in the bus, his wallet disappeared, and even though he had the luck that they returned it to him, he got a good fright.  In order to celebrate it, Carlos invited Remedios, Mercedes, and Henrique to have supper at the "Casa Toxilde" a kind of two star restaurant.

The four sat down at a table and the waiter arrived right away with the menu.  Carlos read it aloud.

Soup                               roast chicken               loin steak
Galician soup                   roasted meat                veal steak
egg consommé                Asparagus omelet           ribs
Serving of clams              ham omelet                   tongue with tomato
Serving of mussels           omelet with peas           kidneys in Sherry
cold cuts                         scrambled eggs             Special house soup
shrimp in garlic                fried hake                     serving of ears
asparagus in Mayonnaise  stewed hake                  serving of liver
fried squid                       hake in Galician style     fried pig skins
squid cooked in its ink       baby hake   tripe
Lettuce salad                    Sole Meunier
octopus with garlic           fried Sole fillets
Asturian bean stew

pineapple peaches cheese custard fruit of the season ice cream bread
white Ribeiro wine red Ribeiro wine Special Ribeiro wine Claret wine

The waiter, in the meantime, was setting the plates, the knives, the knives for fish, the silverware, the spoons, the glasses and the napkins for them.
"If you want stew or soup, I will bring you a soup dish, if not, the two plates you have will be enough for you."
"What is the Galician soup made of?" , asked Mercedes.
"Of many things- fat, pigs feet, a little headcheese, some cows foot- this is to give it flavor. And then it has turnip greens, fava beans, potatoes- like home made soup."
"Then I want a soup and a loin steak ",  said Mercedes.
"I would, too ," said Carlos.
"For me, bring an egg consommé and a special house soup," asked Henrique, who gets as hungry as a wolf in the pension."
"I prefer a soup for first course and some baby hake for second," said Remedios.
"And for dessert?"
"For dessert, bring all of us a custard with creme," said Henrique, serving as official speaker.
"Any wine?"
"White Ribeiro."
"For me, red wine, because I like it," said Mercedes.
"Well a day is a day- bring two bottles of white wine and two of red, and a nice loaf of Santiago bread."
The food did not take long, so the four of them quickly became very happy (from the wine) and contented (from being full).  They agreed to have coffee in  one of the cafés of the Ensanche, and there the youths ended the party drinking some brandy.
"Since there are four of us, why don't we do to a discotheque?" Carlos said suddenly, as if it weren't one of the things that he and Henrique had planned at home.
"Of course, it's logical," said Henrique.
And there we have them at the "Tebras", dancing like tops, after the boys ordered some whiskeys and the girls "gin with orange juice".
But, in the end, the party didn't finish so well for Henrique as the boys thought, because, even though Carlos and Remedios enjoyed themselves together, Mercedes didn't get enthused because she wanted to remember her boyfriend, Xosé María. 1

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Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Juan A. Thomas, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department
1600 Burrstone Rd
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 792-3028

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