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Applied Ethics Institute to Host Political Studies Prof

Lopez-Guerra to Speak on Ethics of Lawmakers, Equality Issues

Written By Marissa Filletti '18, PR Intern

Should lawmakers be subjected to the laws they enact?

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (11/10/2015) - On Thursday, Nov. 12, the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College will host Claudio Lopez-Guerra, associate professor of political studies at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas in Mexico City and visiting fellow at Princeton University, to give a talk titled “Equal Subjects: Why Rulers Should Cast in Their Lot with the Ruled.”

Lopez-Guerra will explore to what extent rulers should bear the consequences of their actions. Often times, this question is neglected in political philosophy. Lopez-Guerra will explain in what ways today’s decision-makers are shielded from the consequences of their actions by acknowledging the beliefs of democratic theorists, the traditional focus on incorporating citizens in rulers’ decision making practices and the luxuries that rulers are able to enjoy that aren’t available to the people.

Lopez-Guerra works in normative democratic theory with a focus on institutional design and the moral evaluation of political institutions. He recently published a book titled, “Democracy and Disenfranchisement: The Morality of Electoral Exclusions.” He has a new book in the works on the ethics of office holding provisionally titled, “Equal Subjects: Why Rulers Should Cast in Their Lot with the Ruled,” which will be the basis of his talk at UC.

This event is free and open to the public. It will be held at 7 p.m. in Carbone Auditorium located in the Economic Crime, Justice Studies and Cybersecurity Building. For more information, contact Christopher Riddle, assistant professor of philosophy and director of the Applied Ethics Institute at Utica College, at (315) 792-3759 or cariddle@utica.edu.

About Utica College – Utica College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive private institution offering bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. The College, located in upstate central New York, approximately 90 miles west of Albany and 50 miles east of Syracuse, currently enrolls over 4,500 students in 44 undergraduate majors, 30 minors, 21 graduate programs and a number of pre-professional and special programs.

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Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Associate Provost
201B DePerno Hall
(315) 792-3122

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