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Utica College Students Give Back for Thanksgiving

Greek Organizations Conduct Food Drives to Help Needy

Written By Kevin Montano '16, PR Intern

Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Phi Omega work to fill holiday tables for families facing tough times

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (11/19/2015) - With many families living at or below the poverty line, some in the Mohawk Valley may not be able to afford a Thanksgiving meal, but two Utica College Greek organizations are working to help change that. Alpha Phi Omega and Sigma Tau Delta are collecting donations of non-perishable food items to support local food pantries.

Members of the UC community are asked to help by making a donation of non-perishable food items. Donations to Sigma Tau Delta’s food drive will benefit the Johnson Park Center in Utica’s Cornhill neighborhood. Sigma Tau Delta is collecting food through Friday, Nov. 20 in blue boxes around campus.

Alpha Phi Omega is working with the Utica Rescue Mission to supply thanksgiving meals to 35 families in the Utica area. APO is accepting donations of both non-perishable food items and monetary donations to purchase turkeys and other perishable items to help round out a Thanksgiving meal. APO will be collecting donations until Sunday, Nov. 22 and donations can be made through a member by contacting APO@utica.edu.

About Utica College – Utica College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive private institution offering bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. The College, located in upstate central New York, approximately 90 miles west of Albany and 50 miles east of Syracuse, currently enrolls approximately 4,400 students in 44 undergraduate majors, 30 minors, 21 graduate programs and a number of pre-professional and special programs.

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Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

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(315) 792-3122

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