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New Master's in Cybersecurity - Intelligence and Forensics Gets Overwhelming Response

First-of-its Kind Program Accepts 64 Students to Start

Written By Christine Leogrande

Working professionals return to school to learn complex infrastructure defense, highly specialized intelligence techniques

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (08/26/2010) - It’s back to school today for grown-ups, too. Some 64 students – all of whom are working professionals -- have been accepted to a new master’s program in Cybersecurity – Intelligence and Forensics beginning today at Utica College.

The first of its kind in the nation, the new masters offers an emphasis on intelligence and the global complexities of infrastructure operation and protection.

Cyber crime — including cyber terrorism, cyber espionage and online fraud — poses a grave threat to national security, economic health and even personal safety. Utica College’s new master’s degree will answer these critical national needs and arm professionals with the skills they need to prevent and counter the growing threat of cyber attacks.

A pioneer in economic crime, cybersecurity and criminal justice education, Utica College addresses a growing need for professionals with advanced knowledge on how to proactively safeguard computer systems and online data against increasingly sophisticated attack and infiltration techniques.

“Dependent on systems that are vulnerable to attack, private industry, as well as government and military officials, are in serious need of professionals with this highly specialized education,” said George Curtis, executive director of the Economic Crime Institute (ECI). “Utica College, with an outstanding track record in economic crime, criminal justice and cyber security and information assurance programs, is ideally positioned to offer this degree.”

The degree is offered on line, with two residencies in the world-class Economic Crime and Justice Studies building at Utica College. UC is home to the Computer Forensics Research and Development Center (CFRDC); the Economic Crime Institute (ECI); and the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP) of Utica College, which has garnered national attention for its landmark study of perpetrators of ID theft.
The program offers two specializations:

• Cybersecurity: Designed for professionals interested in cyber intelligence and counterintelligence, cyber counterterrorism, and cyber countersabotage, the curriculum covers analysis of global and national cybersecurity policies, the study and protection of critical infrastructures, as well as operations involving cyber threats and defense.

• Computer Forensics: Designed for professionals interested in the investigative side of major cyber crime, the curriculum emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of the forensic tools and techniques used to investigate and analyze network-related incidents and digital devices. Coursework also focuses on the important task of collecting and preserving digital evidence.

Students in the program may wish to explore new careers or expand their current knowledge base in counter intelligence, defense, homeland security, law enforcement, and computer forensics.

“Utica College designed this program in response to an appeal from cybersecurity professionals in the public and private sectors for the development of a graduate program in cybersecurity,” said Randall K. Nichols, director of the new program. “The addition of the master’s program to our suite of economic crime, computer forensics, cybersecurity and information assurance programs reflects the burgeoning needs in the field.”

More information about the master’s in Cybersecurity - Intelligence and Forensics is available at www.onlineuticacollege.com/programs/masters-cybersecurity.asp

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Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Associate Provost
201B DePerno Hall
(315) 792-3122

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