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"Do Researchers Really Make Better Teachers?"

Rick Fenner to discuss data findings

Written By Avion Ashton '12, PR Intern

Faculty seminar series presents timely topics

Contact - cleogande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (09/16/2010) - Richard Fenner, associate professor and interim executive director of business and economics at Utica College, will present a seminar, "Do Researchers Really Make Better Teachers?" on Friday, Sept. 17 at 2:30 p.m. in Willard Conference Room, DePerno Hall.

The lecture will discuss both positive and negative aspects of being a professor with a strong research background.  Fenner will review qualities of researchers such as knowledge and organization, as well as constraints including lack of time for students and grading.

Fenner’s lecture is based on data collected from the norming of a national exam on economics that was used to empirically test whether researchers indeed make better teachers.

“Do Researchers Really Make Better Teachers?” is sponsored by the Nexus faculty seminar series at Utica College.  It is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served at 2:15 p.m.

For more information call (315) 792-3028 or visit www.utica.edu/culture

Contact Us

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

Associate Provost
201B DePerno Hall
(315) 792-3122

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