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UC Cyber Students, Prof Co-Author Professional Paper

Paper Published as Book Chapter on Future of Cybersecurity

Written By Christine Leogrande

UC students contribute to book on cybersecurity

Contact - cleogrande@utica.edu

Utica, NY (01/28/2016) - Joseph Giordano, professor of practice and chair of cybsersecurity programs at Utica College, co-wrote a paper with five undergraduate cybersecurity students on “Ethical Considerations in the Cyber Domain.” The co-authors, who each earned bachelors degrees in cybersecurity from Utica College in 2015, are Justin M. Hubman, Boonville, N.Y.; Zachary B. Doyle, West Hurley, N.Y.; Robert L. Payne III, Duanesburg, N.Y.; Thomas F. Woodburn, West Islip, N.Y.; and Branden G. McDaniel, Sherburne, N.Y.

The paper was recently published by Springer as a chapter in the book, “Evolution of Cyber Technologies and Operations to 2035.” Giordano said the authors were invited to submit the piece by Dr. Misty Blowers, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Lab.

“This was a wonderful opportunity for our students,” Giordano said, “They had the chance to experience researching, writing and editing for a professional publication – which will serve them well as they advance their careers.”

As Americans and people around the globe become more and more dependent upon Internet-connected devices, opportunities for exploitation, theft of critical information, as well as terrorism and espionage, all proliferate. The paper, Giordano said, examines the increasing risks and the continuum of activity of the perpetrators.

As a pioneer in economic crime and cyber programs, Utica College is home to the Economic Crime and Cybersecurity Institute, the Northeast Cybersecurity Forensic Center, and the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP), which has garnered national attention for its landmark study of perpetrators of identity theft. Utica College is one of only a handful of colleges to offer a master’s program in specialized cybersecurity. More recently, the college added an online Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Cyber Policy and Risk Analysis.

The new MPS dovetails with Utica’s complete suite of cybersecurity programs, including both on-campus and online bachelor’s degrees in cybersecurity with five specializations: network forensics and intrusion investigation, information assurance, cybercrime and fraud investigation, homeland security and emergency management, and cyber operations. Utica also offers an online masters degree in cybersecurity – intelligence, forensics and cyber operations, as well as a host of criminal justice, economic and financial crime and business programs.

The college was recently designated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense Education (CAE IA/CD) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The college has also earned designation as a National Center of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence (CDFAE) by the Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3).


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Robert Halliday, Ph.D.

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(315) 792-3122

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