MAT 317

MAT 317



SEMESTER:  Fall 2015

INSTRUCTOR:            Hossein Behforooz, Ph.D.

                                    Office:  Room 256

                                     Phone:  7923072


                                 Office Hours: M/W/F:   10:30 11:15, T/R:  9:30 ─ 10,

                                         Also by appointments

COURSE:  MAT 317, Ordinary Differential Equations (3)                   

TIME: M/F 12:30 ─ 1:45


CLASS:  Room 205

TEXT:  A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications, 10th Edition, Dennis G. Zill and any Graphing Calculator.

ATTENDANCE:  In a mathematics course, attendance is very important, and each lecture builds on the previous lecture.  You are to attend all classes.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.  The final grade in this course will be reduced by a letter if one is absent more than twice.  Please let me know if you have any excused absences.  Come to class few minutes before the class starts.

COURSE OUTLINE:  In this course we will cover the following topics:

First and second order differential equations, linear equations of higher order, power series solutions, existence of solutions and system of differential equations.  Applications of differential equations.


In accordance with the goals of the Department of Mathematics for students majoring and minoring in mathematics, this course will serve to fulfill the following learning goal:

 Goal 3: Students will be able to formulate and solve mathematical problems.

HOMEWORK: You will be expected to do the problems and exercises soon after the material is covered in the lecture.  The problems are the key to mastering the course.  Please, DO THEM.  Homework assignments must be neatly written with all details shown. This will be a gateway test and it allows you to have a PASSPORT to take in class tests.

EXAMS:   There will be three tests and a comprehensive final exam, to see that you are keeping up with the work.  The final exam will cover the entire course.  In general I do not give makeup tests (except under some extraordinary conditions and with my prior approval) but I drop the lowest or missing test except for the final exam.


         2 tests out of 3 tests               70%     

         Final Exam                               30%


                          A 93 100,    A  90 92, 

                          B+ 87 89,    B  83 86,    B  80 82

                          C+ 77 79,    C  73 76,    C  70 72

                          D+ 66 69,    D  60 65,    F    0 59

REMARK:  If the work is not understood, or if you have any difficulty or any trouble in this course, don't hesitate, feel free and PLEASE contact me, I will be glad to give you any extra help if you need it.

SPECIAL NEEDS:   If you need any special accommodation, please feel free and let me know. If you feel that you may qualify for accommodation and have not already done so, please contact Learning Services Center (Room 109).  I will try to help you to learn more. If you have any problem in this course, come and see me right away with no delay.  Sometimes, you can get help from Math Center or from individual tutors.  But, help is in my office.  Do not panic. Relax and trust me. I will help you.

CELL PHONE:  Please turn off your cell phone in this class.  Thanks!

CLASSROOM:  To have a wonderful learning environment and a pleasant class, please respect your fellow students in the classroom.  Disruptive behavior is not acceptable.  I like to see your happy face during the semester and when you get the report card after finals.                        

Final Exams:   Monday   12/14/2015 @ 1 pm, Room 205,

                                                HAVE A NICE AND WONDERFUL SEMESTER AHEAD J

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