2006 - 2012

Name: Hossein Behforooz             Date: September 2012
Date of employment at Utica College: Sept. 1, 1987.

(1) Education: (Degrees, Dates, Universities)

Ph.D. 1980 Brunel, The University of West London, Uxbridge, England.
Dissertation: Cubic and Quintic Spline Polynomial Interpolation.
Advisor: Professor Nick Papamichael. Area: Approximation Theory.

M.S. 1976 Brunel, The University of West London, Uxbridge, England.
Dissertation: Interpolating Spline Functions.
Advisor: Professor Nick Papamichael. Area: Numerical Analysis.

M.S. 1970 Institute of Mathematics, Teachers Training University, Tehran, Iran.
Dissertation: Topics in Complex Functions.
Advisor: Professor G. Mosaheb. Area: Advanced Pure Mathematics.

B.S. 1968 Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. (Mathematics).

(2) Academic Positions: (Ranks and Years)

June 1996 to present: Professor of Mathematics at Utica College.
July 1991 to June 1996: Associate Professor of Mathematics at Utica College.
Sept. 1987 to June 1991: Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Utica College.
Jan. 1987 to May 1987: Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at Fordham University, NYC.
Jan. 1983 to Sept. 1986: Associate Professor of Mathematics at Tabriz University, Iran.
Sept. 1970 to Jan. 1983: Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Tabriz University, Iran.

(3) Teaching Experiences:

(a) Courses Taught:
(other than at the Utica College)

College Algebra/Trig. Differential Equations, Abstract Algebra,
Finite Mathematics, Logic and Set Theory, Numerical Methods,
PreCalculus, Basic Statistics, Numerical Analysis,Calculus, Foundations of Math, Approximation Theory, Advanced Calculus, Modern Mathematics, Numerical Linear Algebra,
Analytic Geometry, Real Analysis, Number. Sol. of ODE & PDE
Math. for Bus./Eco., Complex Analysis, Engineering Mathematics.

(b) Research Interests:

Spline Functions, Applications of Spline Functions in Solving ODE, PDE, Integral, Equations and Fuzzy Data, Multivariate Spline Functions and Their Applications. Harmonic Series,
Also in Recreational Mathematics, Magic Squares, Knight Tours and Sudoku Puzzles.

(4) Teaching Activities at Utica College:

(a) Courses Taught: I have taught the following 23 different math courses at UC:
MAT 100, 104, 112, 143, 144, 151, 201, 202, 301, 302, 305,
MAT 317,  331, 334, 341,364, 390, 401, 402, 484, 486, 487, MAT 505

(b) Tutorial Course: Sometimes: I had one or two upper level Tutorial Courses or Independent Study students.

(c) Schedules (2006-2012):

Fall 2012: MAT 317, 151, 144, 143
Sumner 2012: MAT 201, 112
Spring 2012: MAT 486, 201, 151, 144, 143,
Fall 2011: MAT 401, 151, 144, 143
Sumner 2011: MAT 201, 112
Spring 2011: MAT 317, 151, 144, 143, 104,
Fall 2010: MAT 486, 305, 151, 144, 143
Sumner 2010: MAT 201, 151, 112
Spring 2010: MAT 401, 151, 144, 143, 104, 486T
Fall 2009: MAT 305, 151, 144, 143, 104
Sumner 2009: MAT 201, 151, 112
Spring 2009: MAT 401, 151, 144, 143, 104,
Fall 2008: MAT 486, 151, 144, 143, 104,
Sumner 2008: MAT 201, 151, 112
Spring 2008: MAT 334, 151, 144, 143, 104, 331T
Fall 2007: MAT 401, 317, 144, 143, 104
Sumner 2007: MAT 201, 151, 112
Spring 2007: MAT 486, 302, 144, 143
Fall 2006: MAT 401, 144, 143, 104
Sumner 2006: MAT 201, 151, 112
Spring 2006: MAT 331, 317, 144, 143, 303T

(d) Other Teaching Activities: (such as curriculum development, advising, etc.)

* Student Advisor. I usually have 15 advisors every year.
* I have designed two new mathematics courses for graduate students in Education
(MAT 505, Problem Solving in Mathematics and MAT 551, Classical and Modern Geometry).
* Developing and teaching mathematics courses by using new technology, computers
(with Derive or Maple mathematics software), graphing calculators , and sometimes using PowerPoint or videos.
* Developing writing intensive courses, to help students to learn mathematics through writing.
* Faculty Advisor of the MAA Student Chapter at Utica College, 1995-present.

(5) Publications: (published, submitted or unfinished papers, See also my CV)

(a) Papers:

[1] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Interpolation of Fuzzy Data by Using Flat End Splines, submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.

[2] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Approximation of Fuzzy Data by Using Quartic Polynomials Induced from E (3) Cubic Splines, submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.

[3] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Approximation of Fuzzy Data by Using Quartic Polynomials Induced from Complete Cubic Splines, ready
to submit.

[4] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Approximation of Fuzzy Data By Using Quartic Piecewise Polynomials, Under preparation.

[5] Behforooz, Hossein, On the Convergence of continued Tower of Powers Exponents. Ready to submit for publication.

[6] Behforooz, Hossein: Weighted Magic Squares, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 36, No. 4 (2007) 283-286.

[7] Behforooz, Hossein: Behforooz Magic Squares Derived from Magic-Latin-Sudoku Squares, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 36, No. 4 (2007) 287-293.

[8] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Interpolation of Fuzzy Data By Using E (3) Cubic Splines, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 60, No. 4 (2010) 383-392.

[9] Behforooz, Hossein: Approximation by Integro Quintic Splines, J. of Appl. Math and Comput. Vol. 216 (2010) 364-367.

[10] Behforooz Hossein: Behforooz-Euler Magic Squares with U.S. Election Years, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 35, No. 1 (2009) 20-22.

[11] Behforooz, Hossein: Behforooz-Franklin Magic Square with U.S. Election Years, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 35, No.1 (2009) 37-38.

[12] Behforooz, Hossein: On Constructing 4 by 4 Magic Squares with Pre-Assigned Magic Sum, J. of Mathematical Spectrum, Vol. 40, No. 3, (2008) 127-1134.

[13] Behforooz, Hossein, Abbasbandy S., and Ezzati R.: Interpolation of Fuzzy Data by Using Fuzzy Splines, International J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, (2008) 107-115.

[14] Behforooz, Hossein: On the Divergence of p-like Series with p>1. J. of Mathematical Spectrum, Vol. 40, No. 1, (2008) 9-16.

[15] Behforooz, Hossein: Mirror Magic Squares from Latin Squares, J. of Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 91, No. 521 (2007) 316-321.

[16] Behforooz, Hossein: Approximation by Integro Cubic Spline, J. of Appl. Math
and Comput. Vol. 175 (2006) 8-15.

[17] Behforooz, Hossein: Permutation Free Magic Squares, Journal of Recreational
Mathematics, Val. 33, No. 2, (2005) 103-106.

[18] Behforooz, Hossein: Behforooz-Franklin 32 by 32 Magic Square, Journal of
Recreational Mathematics, Val. 33, No. 2, (2005) 107-110.

[19] Behforooz, Hossein: On the Use of Spline-on-Spline for the Approximation of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals, J. of Appl. Maths and Comput. Vol. 80 (1996) 23-32.

[20] Behforooz, Hossein: Consistency Relations of the Spline Functions Derived from a Pascal-like Triangle. J. of Appl. Maths and Comput. Vol. 74 (1996) 293-297.

[21] Behforooz, Hossein: A Comparison of the E (3) and Not-a-knot Cubic Splines, J. of Appl. Maths and Comput, Vol. 72 (1995) 219-223.

[22] Behforooz, Hossein: On the Thinning out the Harmonic Series, Mathematics Magazine of the Mathematical Association of America, Vol. 68, No. 4 (1995) 289-293.

[23] Behforooz, Hossein: A New Approach to the Spline Functions, J. of Appl. Numer. Maths, Vol. 13 (1993) 271-276.

[24] Behforooz, Hossein: The Not-a-Knot Piecewise Interpolatory Cubic Polynomial, J. of Appl. Maths and Comput. Vol. 52 (1992) 29-35.

[25] Behforooz, Hossein: Approximation of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals by Piecewise Hermite Quartic Polynomials Induced by Cubic Spline, Appl. Math. Lett. Vol. 5, No. 1 (1992) 75-78.

[26] Behforooz, Hossein: Manifold Subbotin Spline, J. of Appl. Maths and Comput. Vol. 40 (1990) 224-231.

[27] Behforooz, Hossein: End Conditions for Cubic Spline Interpolation Derived from Integration, J. of Appl. Maths and Comput. Vol. 29 (1989) 231-244.

[28] Behforooz, Hossein: Another Approach to the Quintic Splines, Appl. Math. Lett. Vol. 1, No. 4 (1988) 335-338.

[29] Behforooz, Hossein: Quadratic Spline-On-Spline, Appl. Math. Lett. Vol. 1, No. 3 (1988) 217-218.

[30] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N.: Overconvergence Properties of Quintic Interpolatory Splines, J. of Computer and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 24, No. 3 (1988) 337-347.

[31] Behforooz, Hossein: Quadratic Spline, Appl. Math. Lett. Volume 1, No. 2 (1988) 177-180.

[32] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N.: End Conditions for Interpolatory Quintic Spline, IMA Journal of Numer. Anal. Vol. 1 (1981) 81-93.

[33] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N. and Worsey, A. J.: A Class of Piecewise Cubic Interpolatory Polynomials, J. Inst Maths Applics, Vol. 25 (1980) 53-65.

[34] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N.: End Conditions for Interpolatory Cubic splines with Unequally Spaced Knots, J. of Comp. and Applied Maths, Vol. 6, No.1 (1980) 59-65.

[35] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N.: Improved Orders of Approximation Derived from Interpolatory Cubic Spline, BIT, Vol. 19 (1979) 19-26.

[36] Behforooz, Hossein and Papamichael, N.: End Conditions for Cubic Spline Interpolation, J. Math Applics, Vol. 23 (1979) 355-366.

(b) Papers Presented at the Mathematics Meetings:
(Published in Abstracts or Proceedings of Mathematics Meetings, See also my CV)

[1] Behforooz, Hossein: Weighted Magic Squares, Abstract of the MAA Summer Math Fest Meeting, Lexington, KT, August 2011.

[2] Behforooz, Hossein: Approximation by Spline Functions Derived from Slopes and Integral Values: Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians
(ICM-2010), Hyderabad, India, August 2010, page 537.

[3] Behforooz, Hossein: Some Interesting Notes on the Calculation of the Continued Exponents, Abstracts of the Spring Meeting of the Seaway Section of MAA, SUNY, Oswego, New York, April, 23-24, 2010.

[4] Behforooz, Hossein: How Difficult is Writing in Mathematics. Abstracts of the Summer Math Fest Meeting of MAA, Portland, OR, August 2009.

[5] Behforooz, Hossein: Mathematical Thinking with Magic Squares, Abstract of the MAA Summer Math Fest Meeting, Madison, WI, August 2008.

[6] Behforooz, Hossein: New Techniques to Construct Spline Functions by Using Derivative and Integral Values, Proceedings of the ICMTD 2007 (International Conference on Mathematics: Trends and Developments), held at Ain Shams
University, Cairo, Egypt, December 2007, pp 261-267.

[7] Behforooz, Hossein: On the Gallery of my own Magic Squares, Abstracts of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Section, Spring Meeting SUNY College at Oneonta, New York, (April 27-28, 2007).

[8] Behforooz, Hossein: All Three Squares in One: Magic Squares , Latin Squares and Sudoku Squares , Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2006), Daily Newsletter, Madrid, Spain, August 2006.
(Presentations Continued) Page 7 of 12

[9] Behforooz, Hossein: To Converge or not to Converge that is the Question, Abstract of the 31st Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference at Syracuse University, April 8-9, 2005.

[10] Behforooz, Hossein: On the divergence of the p-series when p>1, Abstract of the Spring Meeting of the Seaway Section of MAA, Queen's University, Canada, April 1-2, 2005.

[11] Behforooz, Hossein: Give Me any Integer M, and I give You Back a Magic Square with Magic Sum M, Abstracts of the Summer Math Fest Meeting of MAA, Providence, RI, August 2004.

[12] Behforooz, Hossein: Another Look at the Magic Squares and the Knight Tours, Presented at the Utica College Nexus Seminars, October 2003

[13] Behforooz, Hossein: Historical Notes with Interesting Properties of Some Famous Magic Squares, Abstracts of the Summer Math Fest Meeting of MAA, University of Colorado at Boulder, August 2003.

[14] Behforooz, Hossein: An Extension of Benjamin Franklin Magic Squares, Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2002), Beijing, China, August 2002.

[15] Behforooz, Hossein: The Role of Writing in Mathematics, Abstracts of the MAA Seaway Section Meeting, Brock University, Ontario, Canada, November 2001.

[16] Behforooz, Hossein: A Curious Convergent Series with Reciprocals of Primes, Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-1998), Berlin, Germany, August 1998.

[17] Behforooz, Hossein: Interesting Subseries of the Harmonic Series, Abstracts of the 21st Annual New York Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference, Syracuse University, March 24-25, 1995.

[18] Behforooz, Hossein: On the improvement of estimating of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals by using manifold splines, Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-1994) Zurich, Switzerland, August 3-11, 1994.

[19] Behforooz, Hossein: Teaching Calculus in Nonhomogeneous Classes, Abstracts of the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-7), Laval University, Quebec, Canada, August 1992.

[20] Behforooz, Hossein: Numerical Approximation of Cauchy Principal Value Integrals by Interpolatory Piecewise Polynomials, Abstracts of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Section, Spring Meeting, State University of New York at Oneonta, April 1991.

[21] Behforooz, Hossein: A Class of End Conditions for Spline Functions Obtained from Integration, Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-1990), Kyoto, Japan, August 1990.

[22] Behforooz, Hossein: End Conditions for the Spline Functions Derived from Integration, Abstracts of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Section, Spring Meeting, Union College, April 1989.

[23] Behforooz, Hossein: On the Divergence of the Euler Series, Abstracts of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Seaway Section, Fall Meeting, Syracuse University, November 1988.

[24] Behforooz, Hossein: Superconvergence Properties of Quintic Interpolatory Splines, Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-1986), Berkeley University, California, August 1986.

(6) Other Accomplishment not covered in the above questions:

(a) Lectures, Conferences, Meetings, Seminars, Workshops:
(For my complete list of Mathematics Conference Activities, 92 events, see my CV)

* Attended the Spring Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Hamilton College, April 2012.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Boston, MA, January 2012.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), New Orleans, LA, January 2011.

* Participated and presented a talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2010), Hyderabad, India, August 2010.

* Attended and presented a talk at the Spring Meeting of the Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), SUNY, Oswego, April 2010.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), San Francisco, CA, January 2010.

* Attended and presented a paper at the Annual Summer Math Fest Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Portland, Oregon, August 2009.

* Presented a talk at the Utica College Faculty Research Day, October 2008.

* Attended and presented a paper at the Annual Summer Math Fest Meeting of theMathematical Association of America (MAA), Madison, WI, August 2008.

* Attended at the Spring Meeting of Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Syracuse University, April 11-12, 2008.

* Participated and presented a talk at the ICMTD 2007 (International Conference on Mathematics: Trends and Developments), held at Ain Shams University, Cairo,
Egypt, December 2007.

* Presented a lecture titled "Home Grown Magic Squares with Amazing Properties", at the Utica College Nexus Seminars, October 2007.

* Presented a lecture titled "Another Look at the Euler Sums on his 300th Birthday" at the Utica College Math, Computer Science and Physics Colloquium, April 2007.

* Attended and presented a paper at the Spring Meeting of Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), SUNY College at Oneonta,
April 27-28, 2007.

* Keynote Speaker at the 21st Annual Mathematics Awards Ceremony at Clinton Central School, Clinton, New York, April 4, 2007.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), New Orleans, LA, January 2007.

* Participated and presented a talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2006), Madrid, Spain, August 2006.

* Participated and presented a talk at the PREP Workshop (Professional Enhancement Programs of MAA). The workshop was about "CONIC SECTIONS: Searching for Beauty Reveals Deeper Truths", Cleveland State University, Cleveland, May
15-19, 2006.

* Attended the Spring Meeting of Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Ithaca College, New York, April 28-29, 2006.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), San Antonio, TX, January 2006.

* Participated at the Regional Conference on TTT (Teachers Teaching with Technology), held by Texas Instruments at Utica College, August 18-19, 2005.

* Attended and presented a paper at 31st Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference at Syracuse University, April 8-9, 2005.

* Attended and presented a paper at the Spring Meeting of Seaway Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Queen's University, Canada, April 1-2, 2005.

* Attended the Annual Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Atlanta, GA, January 2005.

For a long list of my other presentations, before 2005, please see my CV.

(c) Extra Activities:

* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper entitled “'On Embedding of Non-polynomial Spline Spaces', May 2012, Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper entitled “Fitting Data Using Optimal Hermite Type Cubic Interpolating Splins, March 2012, Journal of Applied Mathematics Letters.
* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper entitled “On Integro Quartic Spline Interpolation, April 2012, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
* Book review of six chapters of the fourth edition of Silverman's Number Theory, from Pearson, Fall 2010.
* Designed mathematical problems for the Problem Section, Journal of the Mathematical Spectrum, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2009, Page. 139.
* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper entitled "The local integro cubic splines and its approximation properties, Journal of Applied Math and Comput, Fall 2009.
* Book review of three chapters of the first edition of Messersmith's Intermediate Algebra, from McGraw Hill, June 2009.
* Book review of three chapters of the first edition of Dugopolski's Intermediate Algebra, from McGraw Hill, July 2009.
* Designed mathematical problems for the Problem Solving Competitions, Spring 2008.
* Designed problems for the Journal of Mathematical Spectrum, spring 2008.
* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper entitled "End Conditions for Interpolatory Nonic
Splines, S. Seddiqi and G. Arkan, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society
(January 2006).
* Book review, the second edition of a mathematics textbook "Doing Mathematics"
by Steve Galovich, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Spring 2004.
* Reviewed (as a referee) a paper for the Journal of ACTA Mathematica,
"Cubic Spline Interpolation with Quasiminimal B-Spline", Fall 2003.
* MAA liaison at Utica College.
* Advisor of the Student Chapter of MAA at Utica College.
* Advisor of the Mathematics Problem Solving Competition Program at UC.
* Surf and search the Internet and collect information in mathematics and share with mathematics faculty and students.
* Book Review, three chapters of a mathematics textbook published by John Wiley, 1999.

(7) Services to Utica College:

* Chair of Mathematics Department, June 2005 to 2012.
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012.
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011.
* Member of the PDC, Fall 2007 to Spring 2010.
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, Fall 2007 and Spring 2008.
* Chair of the Program Review Committee, Fall 2006 and Spring 2007.
* Member of the Harold T. Clark Award Committee, 2006-2007.
* Member of Math Placement Test Committee, Fall 2006.
* Member of MAT 100 Review Committee, Fall 2006.
* Chair of Mathematics Search Committee, Fall 2005 and Spring 2006.
* Workshop on Adapting Curriculum for Students Success (for ACSS Faculty), 2005.
* Working on the Articulation Agreement between UC and MVCC and HCCC
* Chair of Mathematics Search Committee, 2005-2006.
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, Fall 2004.
* Member of Math Department Program Review Committee, 2003-2004.
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, 2002-2003.
* Chair of Mathematics Search Committee, Spring 2002.
* Member of the FAC, 2000-2003.
* Member of the Geology Faculty Search Committee, 2000.
* Member of the Committee on International Program, 1999-2000.
* Member of the Mentoring Program at Utica College, 1995-2000.
* Member of the Family Weekend Committee, 1994-2000.
* Member of Math Department Program Review Committee, 1998-1999
* Coordinator (Chairperson) of Mathematics Department, 1993-1995.
* Coordinator (Chairperson) of Actuarial Science program, 1993 -1995.
* Member of the Distinguished Visiting Lecture Committee, Fall 1995.
* Member of the Academic Standard Committee, 1988-93, (chairman for one year).
* Member of Mathematics Search Committee, 1988 and 1992.
* Chair of Mathematics Placement Test Committee, 1990-1991.
* Member of the Academic Media Committee, 1988-89 and 1991-92.
* Chairperson of the Calculus Committee, 1989.
* Faculty Advisor of the Problem Solving Competition at Utica College, 1992.
* Faculty Advisor of the MAA Student Chapter at Utica College, 1988 to present
* Faculty Advisor of the Math Club, 1995-2002.
* Participant at the Workshop on Advising Students, spring 2002, spring 2005, and
spring 2006.
* Participant at the Workshop on Learning Disability Program.
* Participant at the Workshop on Writing and Writing Intensive Courses.
* Member of the Science Fair Committee, 1988-1992.

(8) Honors, fellowships, awards, grants, lectureships, etc.

* The Recipient of The 16th Harold T. Clark, Jr. Award, Utica College, 2005.
* Sabbatical, Spring 2005.
* Utica College Faculty Leadership Fund, 2010 (India), 2007 (Egypt), 2006 (Spain), 2002 (China) and more.
* Recipient of the Utica College Small Grant, 1989

(9) Memberships:

* Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Communications in Numerical Analysis.

* Mathematical Association of America (MAA), 1995 to

* American Mathematical Society (AMS), 1991 to 1999.

* American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 1987 
   to present.

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