Date Assignment
8/27 1. Print a copy of this if you have not done so.
2. Sign up at webassign so you can do online homework in the future. There are no webassign homework for today.
3. Sign up at Perusall. Check the Perusall website for reading assignment.
4. Complete Preview Activity 1.1.1. before coming to Wednesday's class. If you would like to present any part of it please send me an email.
5. If you have completed Preview Activity 1.1.1, try Activity 1.1.2. Feel free to discuss both 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 on Perusall. Just make sure you explain your work and not just put some numbers there.
8/29 1. Complete Activity 1.1.2 and let me know if you want to present. (Please include the class name in your email)
2. Complete Exercises 2, 3, 4. Please use the html version of the notes instead of the pdf version. They are at the end of Section 1.1. Using the html version, you should be able to check your answers.
3. Desmos link we used in class for Activity 1.1.2
4. Check quiz page for the quiz goals that will be addressed on Friday.
5. Read solution of Example 1.1.2 very carefully. Feel free to discuss that in Perusall.
8/31 1. Perusall: New reading assignment
2. WebAssign. There are five attempts for each question. This should be enough if you are careful before trying your next attempt. Always think about what mistakes you have made before attempting. For this homework, you need to use the algebraic mechanism we studied in class today to find the instantaneous velocity. Please do not try to use the "Help" function in the WebAssign ebook because the book takes a different path for the knowledge and will not give you the explanation that you can understand. If you are stuck, send me email instead.
9/3 1. Keep working on Perusall assignment.
2. WebAssign
3. Complete Activity 1.2.2. Feel free to discuss that on Perusall. Let me know if you want to present.
9/5 1. WebAssign
2. You should also practice Exercise 1 to 4 of Section 1.2 if you want more practices for finding limits.
3. Perusall
4. Some of you mention that it is hard to read the mathematics in Perusall. In order to have better mathematical typesetting, you need to use mathematical function editor. The language used in the function editor is called LaTeX (pronounced as Lay-Tech, or Lah-Tech). To use the function editor, you have to click the button that has a capital Greek Sigma alphabet (Σ). This is after the color changing button and before the Emoji button in the comment editor. To actually use the editor, you have to be familiar with the LaTeX language. Here is a short intro of how you can use LaTeX. LaTeX is the industrial standard of mathematical typesetting so if you are interested in learning more mathematics, you definitely want to learn how to use LaTeX. I will be happy to meet with you to discuss how to use LaTeX outside of the class. On the other hand, I understand that not everyone is a math major, so using LaTeX in Perusall is not required.
9/7 1. Keep reading in Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. Complete Exercises 1 to 5 in Section 1.3. You can use the html version so that you can check your answer.
9/10 1. Perusall
2. WebAssign
9/12 1. Keep working on your Perusall reading assignment.
2. WebAssign
3. Finish the sketch of the derivative assignment in class. We will go through some of them on Friday but probably not all of them. So please find in your group who can present it.
4. Use this website to do more practice on sketching of derivative functions.
9/14 1. Perusall
2. No WebAssign
3. Complete your group assignment for Task 1.4.3. Identify the person from your group to present on Monday.
4. Try Preview Activity 1.6.1
9/17 1. Complete Preview Activity 1.6.1
2. Keep contributing in Perusall.
3. No WebAssign.
4. Another (better) grid for graph sketching
9/19 1. WebAssign. Use Desmos to sketch graph and then find the intervals that are increasing/decreasing, concave up and concave down. At this point, we don't have the machinery for calculating derivatives so effectively so don't worry about the "analytical" part of the question.
2. Complete Activity 1.6.2. We will discuss this on Friday. Let me know if you want to present.
3. Also do Exercise 1 to 5 in Section 1.6.
9/21 1. No WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Try to complete Preview Activity 1.7.1 and Activity 1.7.2
9/24 1. Finish Activity 1.7.2
2. Perusall (due Wednesday)
3. WebAssign.
9/26 1. Perusall
2. Desmos graph for Activity 1.7.2
3. WebAssign and Exercise 1-4 of Section 1.7
4. Reminder: I will be giving a talk "How to differentiate a number?" on Sep. 27, 4pm-5pm at Hubbard 214. Bonus bonus/opportunities available.
9/28 1. Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. Activity 1.8.2 and 1.8.3
10/1 1. Lastest Perusall assignment has been extended to Wednesday so you have more time to chime in.
2. Complete Activity 1.8.3
10/3 1. Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. Try to complete Activity 2.1.3 and let me know if you want to present any of them.
4. The limit related to calculating the derivatives of exponential functions if you want to look again.
5. Graphs for Activity 1.8.3
10/5 1. Perusall
2. Update your goal sheet
3. Review goals that you have achieved.
4. WebAssign
10/10 1. Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. No classes on Friday. Quiz 7 will be on Monday, 10/15. This quiz will contain every goal we have discussed so far so it is a good chance for you to score them, especially some of the older goals.
4. Animation of derivative of sine and cosine.
5. Try to derive the formula for the derivative of y=cos(x) algebraically with the hints given in class.
6. Here is the unit circle that will help you recall values of trig functions of special angles.
10/15 1. Perusall
2. Complete Preview Activity 2.3.1
10/17 1. Keep working on Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. Complete Activities 2.3.3 and 2.3.4.
10/19 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall (due Monday)
10/22 1. Perusall (last assignment deadline extended, new assignment as well.)
2. WebAssign
3. Complete Activity 2.4.4. Let me know if you want to present.
10/24 1. Perusall
2. WebAssign
3. Link to composition of functions.
4. Complete Preview Activity 2.5.1
10/26 1. Perusall assignment has been extended. Please keep posting
2. WebAssign
3. I am traveling to conference over the weekend. In the slight chance that my flight got delayed when I come back on Sunday, I will let you know if we will need to cancel classes. As this point, I do not think our class will be canceled but I cannot be 100% sure. Please check your email on Monday morning. If you have not heard anything from me by 8:00am on Monday, that means the class will *not* be cancelled.
10/29 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
10/31 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Complete Activity 2.6.4.
4. Derivative formula for inverse trig functions:
11/2 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Derivative Proficiency Exam, Test, Key. Starting next Monday, you can request to take the exam outside of the class meeting time.
11/5 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Complete Activity 2.7.4.
11/7 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Complete Preview Activity 3.1.1.
11/9 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Complete Activity 3.1.2
11/12 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall deadline extended
3. Extra practices: Section 3.1, Exercises 3 and 4.
11/14 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Come up with a non-continuous function that is defined on a closed interval [a,b] such that the function does not have a global maximum and a global minimum.
11/16 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Complete your assignment in 3.3.3.
11/19 1. WebAssign
2. Perusall
3. Try to solve activity 3.3.4
4. The hint for finding the derivative of is . Now you can take the derivative using chain rule and product rule.
11/26 1. No WebAssign.
2. Perusall
3. Work on the optimization problem that your group assigned. Try to arrange some time to meet with your group members between classes to work on the problem and be as ready as possible on Wednesday's class. If your group cannot meet outside of the class, you should definitely discuss your problem in Perusall.
11/28 1. WebAssign (due Monday)
11/30 1. Perusall (old assignment deadline extended), new assignment due next Friday
2. WebAssign (due Monday) Note: there are two assignments due Monday. This assignment is mainly about reviewing old concepts such as implicit differentiation, finding global/local extrema, etc.
3. Please send finalized version of your problem via email.
4. Answer key for Quiz 13.
12/3 Solution to activities in applied optimizations:
3.4.1 Part 1
3.4.2 Part 1
3.4.3 Part 1
3.4.4 Part 1, Part 2
3.4.5 Part 1, Part 2

1. WebAssign due Friday
2. Perusall
3. Work on the related rates problem that your group is assigned to.
12/5 1. Work on the related rates problem that your group is assigned to. If your group has completed the presentation, please send a finalized version of your work.
2. No WebAssign.

Solution to activities in related rates:
3.5.1 Part 1
3.5.2 Part 1
3.5.3 Version 1 Part 1, Version 2 Part 1, Version 2 Part 2
3.5.4 Part 1
12/7 no homework