Lost Alumni

Lost Alumni

Land of the Lost - Lost Alumni That Is...

1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s

Feeling alone? Living an isolated existence? Afraid of becoming a UC relic, a dinosaur, a blast from the past - whose only hope for discovery is through fate? Well, it's time for 1,405 Pioneers to break away from the Land of the Lost - Land of the Lost Alumni that is.

The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations wants to hear from you. The following is a list of lost alumni that spans in time from the first days of UC to the most recent class of 2001 graduates. The list appears by class year and each name is followed by a link to an informational page.

Who Is This Page For?

All alumni are welcome to peruse the list. If you know of a classmate's whereabouts let us know by filling in the information as best as you can. Then, we'll follow up and help alumni break away from the Land of the Lost.

Why Break Free?

Simple - by letting us know about your whereabouts, you can reestablish your connections with Utica College. We'll share our publications with you, including The Pioneer, and our e-newsletter @UC. You'll learn about all the exciting new developments at Utica College including academic programs, faculty accomplishments, to athletic teams, new dorms, and new classrooms. Best of all, you can connect with current students, sharing with them what it really means to be a Pioneer through the Pioneer Career Network and other alumni events.

OK - Now What?

Continue on through the links of lost alumni above, and keep us informed. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Us

Office of Advancement

Office of Advancement

(315) 792-3053

I would like to see logins and resources for:

For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.