Residential Student Handbook
Living on campus can be one of the best experiences of a University student's life. The focus of our student living program is to complement one's formal classroom education by offering students the "total university experience" for personal growth and development
Mission Statement
The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement provides services, entertainment, education and opportunities that will enrich students’ residential and co-curricular experiences at Utica University. Through social and educational efforts, the office impacts student persistence while developing individuals that will make meaningful contributions to Utica University and their future communities.

Values Statement
The office empowers students and paraprofessional staff to learn about leadership, diversity, advocacy, and civic responsibility in order to apply these skills to the communities in which they belong to.
Educational Priority Statement
The Educational Priority within our residential community is to prepare students to become responsible citizens in their current and future communities through holistic development and engagement in life-long learning.
Learning Goals
- Learning Goal 1: Students will develop interpersonal skills in order to participate and peacefully coexist in a living community that celebrates individuality and expression.
- Learning Goal 2: Students will understand the value of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and its impact on the identity of individuals and communities.
- Learning Goal 3: Students will showcase skills essential for continuous learning and autonomous living.
- Learning Goal 4: Students will develop skills and techniques to value the importance of holistic wellness and its impact on individual and collective communities.
Utica's goal is to offer students diversity in housing while maintaining the University's resident student population at a level that permits Utica University to maximize student services. The following housing policies have been adopted to achieve that aim. Under normal circumstances, these policies will be respected in the assignment of residence hall space:
Housing assignments for returning residential students are processed on a seniority basis by academic class standing.The schedule for housing is established by the Student Living and Campus Engagement Office. All returning residential students may apply for housing during the identified housing selection periods.
Returning students may apply to the University's suite-style buildings Boehlert and Alumni Halls, cluster style buildings or Bell and Tower Halls, in groups. Rising Junior, Senior, and/or Graduate students may apply to live in Pioneer Village, Utica University’s apartment complex in groups. Selection is based not only on a seniority basis, but also on academic performance and disciplinary history. A limited number of single rooms are available in North and South Hall Complexes. Each of these accommodations will be assigned on a seniority basis. Double occupancy rooms are the most common housing accommodations available at Utica University.
When a vacancy occurs in an apartment, in a suite, or in a double room, a student has the following options:
- The Student Living and Campus Engagement (SLCE) Office will assign or assist the student in finding a compatible roommate to fill the vacancy.
- The student may move to another room to fill an existing vacancy.
Exceptions to the above procedures may be granted by the Assistant Director of Housing Operations or Executive Director of Student Living.
Students desiring to withdraw from the University's student housing must give notice of their intent to withdraw to the University's SLCE Office by filling out the Residence Hall Contract Release Form for the respective semester. Notice of withdrawal must be given no less than seven days prior to the intended withdrawal date. Housing contracts are binding for an entire academic year. Exemptions are granted by the Executive Director of Student Living.
Residency Requirement
Room and board are contracted for two semesters except for students who meet specific criteria for a Spring Semester Residence Hall Contract release. All incoming first-year students are required to live in University residence for their first two years, unless residing at home with their legal parent or guardian who live within a 30 mile driving distance. All transfer students are required to have lived on a campus for 4 semesters or be 21 years of age by August 1 of their incoming academic semester. This means incoming second year transfers are required to reside on campus unless residing at home with their legal parent or guardian.
- Students who live in the residence halls are required to contract for both room and board.
- Students who reside on campus beyond the second week remain responsible for the payment of all room and board fees until the end of the occupancy term.
The University reserves all rights concerning assignment of rooms, termination of occupancy, and the alteration of charges when necessary. The Assistant Director of Housing Operations assigns new students' rooms based on the MooseMatch system, an online network designed to assist first-year students in finding roommates.
Eligibility for Student Housing
In order to be eligible to occupy and remain a resident in the residence halls, the following requirements must be met:
- The Student must be enrolled and registered as a full-time on-ground student, in good academic standing at the University. At the discretion of the University, students may be approved as an exception to this policy. Any exception request should be directed to the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.
The Student must not violate the terms of the Housing Contract or Residential Student Handbook, and/or engage in conduct prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct published by the University, nor any other and further rules and regulations established by the University which shall be published and made generally available by the University from time to time and shall be enforceable upon the Student upon such publication, including, but not limited to, Student Living Policies and Procedures.
Students in University housing are required to have a University resident meal plan applicable to their housing assignment location.
Rights and Responsibilities of Student Residents
As a resident, you have both rights and responsibilities that contribute to a positive and inclusive living environment. Your rights include the expectation of a safe and respectful living space, while your responsibilities encompass upholding community standards, respecting your fellow residents, and contributing to a harmonious living environment. By understanding and embracing these rights and responsibilities, you play a crucial role in fostering a supportive community where everyone can thrive.
- Right to a Safe and Secure Living Environment: Every student has the right to reside in a space free from threats, harassment, and unsafe conditions.
- Right to Privacy: Students have the right to privacy within their own living quarters, including the expectation that their personal belongings will not be accessed without permission, although the University reserves the right to enter the Student's room and residence halls under various circumstances such as inspection, maintenance, repairs, or emergencies as per its established policies and procedures, which may be updated over time. For additional information, please refer to the Right of Entry section of the Housing Contract.
- Right to Respect: Every resident is entitled to be treated with respect by fellow residents, staff, and visitors within the community.
- Right to Accessible Resources: Students have the right to access essential resources and facilities necessary for their academic and personal development.
- Right to a Fair Hearing: In matters of disciplinary action or dispute resolution, students have the right to a fair and impartial hearing according to established procedures.
- Right to Participation: Students have the right to participate in community activities, governance processes, and decision-making that affect their residential experience.
These rights are fundamental to creating a supportive and inclusive residential community at Utica University, where all students can thrive academically and personally
- Respect for Community Standards: Students are responsible for adhering to all university policies, residence hall rules, and local laws.
- Respect for Others: Students must respect the rights and privacy of fellow residents, staff, and visitors, and contribute to a positive and inclusive living environment.
- Maintenance of Personal Space: Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in their living quarters and shared spaces.
- Safety and Security: Students must take measures to ensure their own safety and the security of their belongings, including locking doors and reporting any suspicious activities.
- Participation in Community Life: Students are encouraged to actively engage in community activities, events, and programs that contribute to the overall well-being of the residential community.
- Communication and Collaboration: Students are responsible for communicating effectively with roommates, neighbors, and staff to resolve conflicts and address concerns promptly and respectfully.
By fulfilling these responsibilities, students contribute to a supportive and thriving residential community at Utica University, where mutual respect and cooperation are valued.
Student Living Staff
Student Living Staff is here to help you make the most of the opportunities available on campus – everything from navigating tough situations, to connecting with students, staff, and faculty across campus.
The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement hires students to cover a range of duties within our residence halls. Each position is intended to be year-long employment (or semesterly as needed). Each position is paid at the New York State prevailing minimum hourly wage rate.
- Community Advisor (10 hours per week): Responsible for assisting the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement in developing a sense of community within the residence halls. Community Advisors accomplish this in various ways including but not limited to planning, and hold interactive and educational programs, conducting floor meetings, serving as a mentor for students, providing resource referral as needed, and mediating conflicts.
- Evening Assistant (12 hours per week): Aid Student Living in policy enforcement, emergency response, crisis and conflict resolution, and resource education within the residential community in the evening hours.
- Operations Coordinator (10 hours per week): Responsible for assisting the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement with day-to-day housing operations such as residential lockouts, health and safety inspections, facilities work order requests, and room condition reports. These students also assist in the day-to-day administrative tasks within the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.
- Marketing Coordinator (approximately 10 hours per week): Responsible for collaborating with the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement to create and distribute successful marketing campaigns for the residential program at Utica University. These individuals will take on a social role by creating content that is engaging and relevant to our residential student population.
The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement also hires temporary positions during move-in week (August), during housing selection (March/April), and move-out week (May). Each position is paid at an hourly minimum wage rate, and include:
- Move-In Assistants: Responsible for assisting the Student Living & Campus Engagement office with all aspects of residential move-in for the Fall semester, including working the Welcome Tent, completing room condition reports, greeting families, and coordinating move-in logistics.
- Move-Out Assistants: Responsible for assisting the Student Living & Campus Engagement office with all aspects of residential move-out for the spring semester, including key collection, room condition report completion, greeting families, and coordinating the move-out process.
- Housing Selection Ambassador: Responsible for assisting the Student Living & Campus Engagement office with advertising and answering student questions regarding the Housing Selection processes while tabling in the Residence Hall lobbies.
The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement also contains 4 professional staff members to manage day-to-day operations of Student Living as well as maintain the mission and vision of the residential education program and residential student experience, including:
- Executive Director of Student Living: responsible for overseeing the Student Living program and staff members.
- Three Assistant Directors: 1. Housing Operations; 2. Residential Education; 3. Student Support
- Project Manager for Division of Student Life
- Four Graduate Resident Directors: 1. Boehlert Hall Building Supervisor; 2. South Hall Building Supervisor; 3. Residential Education & Marketing; 4. Student Support
Below is a chart depicting the area/building supervised by each professional staff member:
Supervisor | Residence Hall |
Assistant Director of Residential Education | North Hall |
Assistant Director of Student Support | Bell Hall, Alumni Hall, Tower Hall |
Assistant Director of Housing Operations | Pioneer Village |
Graduate Resident Director | Boehlert Hall |
Graduate Resident Director | South Hall |
General Residential Information
Short Break Housing
The University is not responsible for housing students during holidays and/or breaks (e.g., Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Break). Students are authorized to leave any belongings in their assigned room during breaks within the contracted timeframe. Students may request to remain on campus for parts or all of Thanksgiving or Spring Break. The early arrival request form will go live approximately 2-3 weeks before the start of the break.
Summer Session Housing
During the summer, Utica University offers a safe, convenient, and affordable housing option to current Utica University students who remain in the area for summer courses, internships, work, or other extenuating circumstances. Room charges are figured on a weekly basis. It is the responsibility of the Student to notify the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement of any changes in occupancy dates at least seven (7) days prior to the change. If changes are not made, the billing will continue based on the dates of this contract. All summer room rent must be paid in advance in order to process a room assignment. Students can apply for summer housing by filling out the summer housing application form.
Winter Session Housing
Students may request to remain on campus after the published closing date for Winter Break. These requests are not automatically approved and students need to provide reasoning for the accommodation. Room assignments are arranged by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement and may entail temporary reassignment. All room charges must be paid in advance.
Opening and Closing Schedules and Procedures
Building access is restricted to the building during break periods; therefore, accessibility for those persons staying in the building may significantly change. Anyone failing to comply with security arrangements will be required to leave the building and may be charged accordingly through the student conduct system.
Before residents leave for any break, they must:
- Pull up blinds (except 1st floor).
- Close windows tightly and lock.
- Empty wastebaskets and properly dispose of recyclables and garbage.
- Turn off lights and unplug all electronics, including personal refrigerator (Leave refrigerator door open).
- Dispose of food that may spoil.
- Make arrangements for care of animals and plants. Animals are not permitted to remain in the hall without their owner.
- Lock the door.
- Sign closing sheet and affix to room door.
Students must vacate their rooms either within 24 hours of their last final exam or by the specific move-out deadline set for the end of the final exams period, whichever comes first.
At the end of the academic year, students participating in commencement must vacate their rooms by the deadline specified following the commencement ceremony
The University shall be responsible for all maintenance and repair of the residence halls and its furniture, equipment, and fixtures. The student shall not attempt to perform such maintenance or repairs but shall notify the University's Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement of the need thereof. The Student shall submit a work order through the Utica University work order system within 1-2 days of acknowledging the required maintenance or repair concern.
Room Condition Reports and Room Damage
The Student shall exercise ordinary care with reference to the premises and the contents thereof. The Student shall be personally responsible for any damage to the University property resulting from the intentional or negligent act of the Student, or member of their family, or any guests of the Student, reasonable wear and tear accepted. The Student shall pay on demand the amount of any cost, expense, or loss resulting from any such damages. Such damage charges may be made to a Student's tuition account with the University. The Student and the University will fill out a mutual Room Condition Report at the beginning of the contract that will outline pre-existing damages. At the end of the contract any new damages will be compared to this check-in Room Condition Report and documented as a check-out damage on the same report.
Common Area Damage
Loss of property or damage to common areas may be assessed to the occupants of the floor or contiguous area. The Student shall pay on demand the amount of any cost, expense, or loss resulting from any such damages. Such damage charges may be made to a Student's tuition account with the University.
Hall Councils/Residence Hall Association (RHA)
There are two (2) governing bodies in the First-Year residence halls (North Hall & South Hall) in which each consist of elected officers and student representatives from the respective residence hall(s). These councils (North Hall Council, or NHC, and South Hall Council, or SHC) are advised by two (2) Assistant Directors: Housing Operations & Residential Education. These councils provide students with opportunities for involvement and leadership and they also provide students the opportunity to use their voice for self and community advocacy.
The Residence Hall Councils, NHC and SHC, facilitate meetings throughout the academic year. With assistance from advisors, NHC and SHC facilitate regularly scheduled meetings that are open to all residential students in the first-year residence halls.
Front Desk Information
All Residence Halls excluding Alumni and Pioneer Village have a front desk adjacent to the main lobby. The desk is a center of activity, where information and services are available on a daily basis. Desk services include loaning-out kitchen utensils, brooms, games, recreational equipment, and more. Residents should check with the front desk staff for the specific items and loan-out procedures in their community.
Staffing at the front desk varies, but the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement aims to have the space staffed the following times:
- First-Year Residence Hall Desk Hours (North, South):
Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm; 8:00pm - 11:00pm (2:00 am on Friday); Saturday & Sunday: 8:00pm - 2:00am - Bell, Tower, and Boehlert Halls:
Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm; 8:00pm - 11:00pm (2:00 am on Friday); Saturday & Sunday: 8:00pm - 2:00am
Guest Registration and Policies
Residential students are allowed to have guests within the residence halls. However, Guests need to fill out the Residential Guest Registration Form and bide by all Utica University policies.
The following terms are used when referring to Utica University Guests:
- Resident: A Utica University enrolled student who lives in one of the seven residence halls managed by Utica University. Term is interchangeable with “Residential Student”
- Host: A Residential Student who brings in/allows entry or visitation of an individual in Utica University campus buildings and/or in residence halls
- Guest: A non-Utica University affiliated individual
The University will generally permit guests, upon prior notice, to stay overnight in the residence halls in reasonable numbers and for periods not exceeding three (3) consecutive nights or more than six (6) nights in a month, subject to the consent of all authorized roommates, but the University reserves the right to deny such permission. If the University terminates its permission for any reason, guests must vacate forthwith without further notice. Guests staying more than three nights must be approved by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.
Any guest must be accompanied by their host student at all times and may not stay within the residence hall or room without the host present.
In accordance with fire safety policies, all Utica University affiliated residential areas may not exceed the maximum occupancy number listed below.
Corridor-Style Single | 4 people (including resident) |
Corridor-Style Double or Triple | 5 people (including residents) |
4-Person Suite | 9 peopleincluding residents) |
4-Person Apartment (Pioneer Village) | 9 people (including residents) |
6-Person Suite | 13 people (including residents) |
7-Person Suite | 15 people (including residents) |
Personal Property
No personal belongings are to be stored in the parking lots or premises surrounding the residence halls or in any of the common areas of such residence halls. All personal belongings are to be stored in the Student's room or such other place as may be designated by the University from time to time. The University is not responsible for any items left in storage areas.
No flammable substances, tires, or motorcycles and motors, shall be stored or used within the residence halls
- Motorcycles are permitted as a registered vehicle on campus as long as they are approved by the Office of Campus Safety and properly parked in an appropriate parking space in the parking lots.
At the direction of the NY State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, indoor charging and storage of lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, or lead-acid battery-powered “micro-mobility devices” (i.e.: e-bikes, e-scooters, hoverboards, etc.) on the Utica University campus is strictly prohibited.
- Due to the significant fire hazard posed by these devices, they are not permitted inside any building owned or operated by Utica University. This includes all residential, academic, and administrative buildings. Like other Colleges and Universities across NY State, prioritizing the safety of the entire Utica University community, as well as those first responders who would be called upon to react to micro-mobility lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, or lead-acid battery fires is the basis for this directive initiated from the NY State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
- These devices are prohibited from being stored or charged within a residence hall.
- Please see the University Policy relative to Micro-mobility device usage on the University Campus Safety website for further clarification.
The University shall not be responsible or liable for the personal belongings of students, their families, or guests occupying student housing and assumes no responsibility for the theft, destruction, or loss of money or other valuables. The University recommends that such personal belongings be insured by the Student under an appropriate insurance policy. More information about suggested renter’s insurance can be found on the Student Living and Campus Engagement website. Any personal belongings left behind by a Student following termination of occupancy for any reason may be disposed of by the University at its discretion without liability to the University.
Posting and Distribution of Materials
Utica University permits the posting of materials on campus only by those individuals, departments, student clubs and organizations, external organizations, and businesses that adhere to this policy. Exceptions include emergency notices, dedicated and interpretive signage, and designated bulletin boards for academic and administrative departments.
- All posters, flyers, and signs falling within the purview of this policy must be authorized and stamped by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.
- Postings must include the full name of the sponsoring organization, business, or group, full contact information, including a phone or email address, and any fees, costs or entrance requirements.
- Posters may not exceed 11x17”.
- Postings are only allowed on designated bulletin boards, and may not be posted on external doors, windows, walls, classrooms, public restrooms, on wood walls, or tack strips.
- Only one poster per activity is permitted per bulletin board, and should not obstruct other notices.
- Permission will be granted to post for up to three weeks.
- Postings that do not adhere to this policy will be subject to sanctions defined in the Student Code of Conduct.
- To view the full policy, visit the Utica University policy site.
Room Changes and Waiting Lists
Each year, students planning to live on campus the following year will go through a housing selection process. After this process is complete, the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement keeps a waiting list of students who would like to request a different space, such as a single or a space within a particular residence hall. Students can place their name on the waiting list by filling out the Residential Waiting List Form. This form is to be used after the housing selection process is complete, prior to the start of the academic year.
At Utica University, we are committed to providing an educational, safe, and supportive environment for all residents. We understand that there may be circumstances where a room change becomes necessary. To initiate a room change request, students should complete Residential Waiting List Form. Once submitted, the form will be reviewed by the Assistant Director of Housing Operations to determine if/what options are available.
Respect for University Staff
Respect is fundamental to our community at Utica University. Our university staff play a vital role in supporting your residential experience, from maintenance to administrative tasks and beyond. Treating all staff members with kindness and appreciation not only enhances our living environment but also cultivates a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect. Please demonstrate respect in all our interactions, creating a positive and supportive community for everyone.
Kitchens and Cooking
There are communal kitchens available in North, South, Bell, Boehlert, and Tower Halls. Alumni Hall apartments have kitchenettes and Pioneer Village apartments have full kitchens. Students are responsible for the proper use and cleaning of these kitchens. Each kitchen is equipped with a stove/oven, sink, and microwave.
- Residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves with any spills, messes, or food debris left behind.
- Residents should always double check if the stove is turned off.
- Residents should not leave personal food items, pans, or dishes in the kitchen for extended periods and need to take them when leaving the kitchen.
Laundry facilities are available in each residence hall at no cost to students.
- Each laundry facility is equipped with washers and dryers.
- If any issues with the laundry facilities please place a service request through the outside laundry company https://www.cscsw.com/request-service/.
- Students are responsible for providing their own laundry detergent, softener and/or dryer sheets.
Vending Areas
Vending Areas (Snack & Beverage) are available throughout the residential communities. Below is a chart depicting the location and type of each vending area in the residence halls.
Residence Hall | Vending Type | Location(s) |
Alumni Hall | None | None |
Bell Hall | Snack (1) & Beverage (2) | Snack Machine 1st Floor / Snack Beverage in 3rd Floor Hallway |
Boehlert Hall | Snack (1) & Beverage (2) | 1 Snack / 2 Beverage Machines on 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Floor |
North Hall | Snack (1) & Beverage (2) | Main Lobby |
Pioneer Village | Snack (1) & Beverage (1) | Community Building |
South Hall | Snack (1) & Beverage (2) | Main Lobby |
Tower Hall | Snack (1) & Beverage (2) | Beverage Machine on Ground Floor / Beverage & Snack on 2nd Floor |
To report vending machines out of order, or to put in a work order, residential students are encouraged to contact the Utica University Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office. This office may be reached by phone at (315)-792-3718; or by email at purchasing@utica.edu. For monetary concerns (i.e. a vending machine accepting money but did not give out a product), residential students are encouraged to contact the Utica University Center for Student Success. The Center may be reached by phone at (315)-792-3179; or by email at studentsuccess@utica.edu
Television, Cable, and Internet
All Residence Halls (Except Pioneer Village) are equipped with the following technological hookups:
- Ethernet Internet Access Port
- Cable Access Port
Utica University provides residential students with free access to basic cable in each Residence Hall Room. Utica also provides residential students with free access to internet/WIFI.
For information on how to connect devices to the Utica University provided internet or cable access, please visit the Integrated Information Technology Services (IITS) Networking and Infrastructure Webpage.
Residential Student Policies
Guns, Explosives, Flammables, and Weapons
- Individuals shall not possess or store any firearms or weapons in the residence halls.
- Students shall not possess nerf/foam dart guns, water guns, fake swords, or any other type of item that represents a firearm or weapon.
- The following items are prohibited within the residence halls: switchblades, gravity knives, metal knuckles.
- Pocket knives and multi-tools are allowed in the residence hall as long as they do not have a blade longer than four inches or contain any of the above-mentioned weapons or any other weapon-like features.
- Any other weapon that is designed to be used as a weapon and is not commonly used for legitimate purposes.
Fire Safety
To ensure the safety of all residents, the following rules apply to firefighting, detection, sprinklers, and alarm equipment:
- Proper Use: This equipment is provided exclusively for the protection of residents and should only be utilized in case of a fire.
- No Tampering: Residents are strictly prohibited from tampering with or misusing any firefighting, detection, sprinklers, or alarm equipment.
- Violations: Misuse of this equipment constitutes a violation of University regulations and New York state civil statutes.
- Legal Consequences: New York law imposes severe criminal penalties for falsely activating a fire alarm.
- Confiscated Items: At the discretion of the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement and the Office of Campus Safety certain items may be eligible for return and relocation off campus. Please see the confiscated items policy for more information.
The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement has set forth the following fire safety policies in collaboration with the New York State Fire Marshal. All students must abide by the following policies:
- Halogen lamps are prohibited
- All lamps must be equipped with proper lamp shades and light bulbs with the appropriate wattage for the fixture
- String lights of no more than one strand and directly plugged into the wall are allowed; However, if other items are plugged into the lights, it is considered the same as an extension cord and is therefore prohibited.
- String lights are not allowed to be hung above doorways, over windows, or on the ceiling except where the ceiling meets the wall.
Extension Cords, Surge Protectors, etc.
- Extension cords are prohibited
- Multi-plug and cube adapters are prohibited
- Power strips must be surge protected (must have an on/off switch) and cannot be plugged into one another (piggybacking)
- Power cables hanging from the ceiling are prohibited
Wall, Door, and Window Decorations
- No draperies, tapestries, or any other decorative materials should hang from ceilings, cover or hang in front of windows, or block egress
- Doors and walls should not have more than 50% of the wall or door area covered with combustible decorative material such as posters, pictures, or fabrics
- Doors cannot be wrapped entirely with wrapping paper
- Approved items hung on the wall should be hung at least 2 feet from the ceiling or lower
- Any tapestry, wall covering, or fabric items must abide by updated policies to be released at a later date
Open Flames, Appliances, and Heating Elements
- Candles, incense, lighters, and similar open flame-producing items are not allowed in campus residence halls.
- The residence halls are a smoke-free environment. Smoking, vaping, using e-cigs, or smoking or possessing hookahs are prohibited in the residence halls
- Cooking or cooking appliances are prohibited in residence hall rooms and common areas. Some examples are hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, rice cookers, and grills. Residents assigned to Pioneer Village and Alumni Hall are permitted the use of up to 4 countertop appliances. These residents will be provided official information on approved items and the number of appliances allowed prior to moving in.
- Students shall not use or possess fireworks, firecrackers, or dangerous chemicals.
- The use of electric heating blankets is prohibited within the residence halls.
Trash & Storage
- No excessive accumulation of trash, recyclables, rubbish, or combustible waste materials shall be allowed
- The Student agrees to properly dispose of trash and recyclables in the designated locations in their residence hall or in exterior dumpsters
- The Student shall properly follow trash and recycling protocols on campus
- Storage shall be maintained 2 feet or more below the ceiling
Exit Routes
- Personal items should not be blocking the doorway of room
- Personal items (trash, shoes, etc.) or furnishings (personal or provided by the University) should not be stored in corridors or any exit path
- Doors should be able to open easily and fully with no obstructions
Fire/Sprinkler System
- It is prohibited for anyone to tamper with, remove, cover, or disturb any fire protection system or component. The University reserves the right to hold students accountable through fines and/or the conduct system for tampering with, removing, covering, or disturbing any fire protection system or component
- Nothing should be hung from a sprinkler pipe, head, or protective cage including clothes hangers, towels, wires, plants, air fresheners, etc.
- The University reserves the right to hold students accountable through fines and/or the conduct system for a real or false alarm activation
- Failure to evacuate during a fire alarm activation is illegal and students will be held accountable through fines and/or the conduct system.
For residential students experiencing a lockout, the student can contact our lockout assistance hotline at 315-792-2345 24/7. During this process, our university staff will require Utica University identification to confirm occupancy of your space, ensuring a secure resolution to your situation.
Lock Change Requests
If a residential student has lost their keys or if their keys were broken, they must submit a lock change request through the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement in person at Strebel 205/206 or by phone at (315-792-3285). Depending on the situation, a key replacement fee will be assessed if the situation was due to lost keys or a broken key or broken lock infrastructure due to student negligence.
ID Cards and Keys
All full-time and part-time students must have a valid Utica University student ID card. The card is the official University identification for students and should be carried at all times. Students must present their Utica University ID to any University official (e.g., safety officers, Student Living and Campus Engagement personnel, etc.) upon request.
- Students shall not duplicate, use, sell, or provide others unauthorized keys, key fobs, student identification cards, or access to the University residence halls.
- If at any time a student is found to have another student's ID card in their possession for any reason, they are subject to the Utica University Student Conduct Process and the card will be confiscated.
- There is a $30.00 fee for replacement cards for any reason.
Alcohol and Drugs
The student shall not unlawfully use, possess, and/or sell narcotics, drugs, or alcohol and shall abide by all rules and regulations as it pertains to illegal drugs and alcohol set by the University and pursuant to local, state, and federal law. Residence hall alcohol policies include:
- Alcohol may not be possessed, stored, or consumed in common floor spaces within the residence halls (kitchen, lounges, hallways, laundry rooms, bathrooms, etc.) or outdoor areas.
- Alcohol may not be possessed, stored, or consumed by any person under the age of 21. Any person under the age of 21 is not allowed to be in the presence of alcohol actively being consumed.
- The only exception is if an underage student resides with a student who is legally able to drink in New York state, they may be in the presence of alcohol in their contractually assigned spaces as long as the underage students do not distribute, sell, possess, or consume alcohol.
- Any legal-aged student may possess, store, or consume alcohol in their contractually assigned residence hall room and/or suite/cluster/apartment.
- Students of legal drinking age who bring alcohol into a residence hall or possess alcohol in a residence hall are responsible for its legal use. This includes taking reasonable precautions to prevent the possession of alcohol by underage students and guests.
- Legal-aged residents may be held responsible for irresponsible drinking by themselves and by any persons under the age of 21 to whom they provide alcohol.
- All guests in a space need to be over 21 if there is alcohol present.
- Students found to be severely intoxicated in a residence hall or who receive emergency medical attention (e.g., EMT or FDNY) for excessive intoxication may be subject to appropriate student conduct follow-up.
- Amounts permitted to be possessed in a space at one time: Each resident who is 21 or over may possess up to: 6 cans/bottles of beer OR 1 (750 ML) bottle of wine OR 1 (16 OZ) bottle of liquor. Utica or Off-Campus Guests (even if 21 or over) cannot have their "own" alcohol.
- Empty alcoholic beverage containers, cases, and boxes are prohibited within the residence halls due to health and safety hazards and to avoid suspicion of any policy violations having occurred.
- Other items may be considered paraphernalia when they are used to violate a policy. Items such as folding tables, shot glasses, wine glasses, ping pong balls, etc., are not documentable policy violations unless they are being used to violate a campus policy, such as water/beer pong or underage drinking. Student Living and Campus Engagement staff may have a preventative conversation with you about these items and their usage. In the event that they are being utilized for a policy violation they are subject to confiscation and applicable documentation.
- Kegs, bulk containers, games of chance, drinking games, contests, and other activities that induce, encourage, or result in binge drinking or the rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited. This includes the use of alcohol paraphernalia such as funnels, beer or water pong, ice luges, etc.
- Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more drinks on one occasion for men and four or more drinks on one occasion for women (based on biological sex). Binge drinking is strictly prohibited.
- All members of the community are encouraged to seek assistance for any member of the community who demonstrates symptoms of excessive substance use. Contact Campus Safety/Law Enforcement officers or a member of the Student Living and Campus Engagement staff for assistance.
- For more information on the conduct policies that these situations violate, please see the Code of Student Conduct.
- Residence halls maintain a smoke-free environment. Smoking, vaping, and the use of hookahs or marijuana are strictly prohibited within the halls.
- Designated smoking areas are available outside the halls for those who choose to smoke or use an electronic nicotine delivery system (vapes, e-cigs, etc).
- Electronic nicotine delivery systems (vapes and e-cigs) are prohibited in the residence halls due to fire safety concerns.
- Marijuana and hookah use are prohibited on campus.
Disruptive Behavior
Participating in any activity that disrupts or obstructs the normal operations of The University or its members, or leading/inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities. Specific examples of how the University categorizes misconduct in this area include, but are not limited to:
- Disruptive Behavior
- Insubordination to Faculty or Staff
- Noise Violation
Disruptive behavior including, but not limited to:
- harassment or creating a hostile environment through discrimination, intimidation, ridicule, or insult toward any person;
- acts of bias targeted toward a person or group;
- physical abuse, assault and/or battery;
- threats toward or intimidation of any person, or intentionally or recklessly causing harm or reasonable apprehension of harm;
- creation of a condition or situation that endangers mental or physical health;
- conduct which inhibits the peace or safety of members of the University community*;
- conduct related to the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or other drugs are unacceptable and subject to disciplinary action.
*Students are prohibited from playing sports or rough-housing in the halls as this may disrupt the living/learning environment. Hall sports include, but are not limited to,
- tossing, bouncing, or kicking a ball or frisbee,
- roller blading,
- biking,
- using a scooter,
- using nerf guns, water guns or water balloons.
This policy applies to all spaces in the residence halls including hallways, lounges, common areas, bathrooms, and bedrooms.
The Student shall observe the quiet hours and courtesy hours policies as well as other policies outlined in the Student Handbook. Quiet hours are Sunday-Thursday 10 pm-8 am and Friday-Saturday 1 am-10 am.
- 24-Hour Quiet Hours are in effect during official Study Days and Final Exam Periods for the fall and spring semesters. During Quiet hours excessive noise is prohibited.
- Courtesy hours are in effect whenever quiet hours are not; students are expected to maintain a respectful noise level for those around them and respect the requests of others during courtesy hours.
- Residents are expected to communicate with their roommates/suite-mates to receive their consent for a guest to visit the assigned residential space before beginning the guest registration process. Any resident(s) assigned in the respective space has the right to deny or withdraw consent for guest(s) at any time.
- Residents are responsible for ensuring the assigned space does not exceed the maximum occupancy limit (see chart in Section 2.C.V.). This may require advanced planning and coordination between roommate/suite-mates/apartment-mates.
- Guests must comply with all Utica University policy and/or all local, state, or federal law, rule, or regulations.
- If a guest is a Utica University student, they are not required to complete a guest registration form, but still must be approved by Host and Host’s roommates/suite-mates.
- All guests, regardless of Utica University affiliation status, are required to have an IDs available at all times and must present it to a University official when asked to do so.
- The University reserves the right to deny guests for any reason.
Housekeeping and Trash
- Utica University provides all residents with waste disposal bins in residence hall common areas and living units.
- Residents are expected to maintain a level of cleanliness in their living unit compatible with reasonable health and safety and University standards. The University reserves the right to establish and enforce those expectations for individuals in order to insure reasonable compatibility with roommate(s) as well as health and safety.
- Utica University Custodial Teams (Housekeeping) have 1-3 Custodians assigned to each residential area of campus. These custodians sanitize and clean all common areas of the residence halls daily.
- Custodians also remove trash and empty public trash cans from common areas daily.
- Students who wish to report areas of concern to the Custodial Team in need of extra cleaning may do so via the Utica University Work Order System.
Care of Facilities
- The Student shall comply with all Utica University rules and regulations and municipal laws and ordinances, including building code regulations, and shall follow the campus posting policy when hanging signs or advertisements.
- No partitions or other alterations or additions shall be made to the room or residence halls unless the prior written consent of the University is obtained. This shall apply to, but not be limited to, the additions or changing of any locks, the removal of window screens, the alteration of heating or lighting fixtures, painting of any surface, installation of any television or radio antenna, installation of air conditioning or heating units, and all other changes or additions. Nails, screws, and adhesives which may cause damage shall not be inserted into or used on the structure of the room or residence halls for any reason.
- Students assigned to a double occupancy room should only occupy half of the entire space even in the event of the other assigned space being unoccupied. Students who occupy both sides of a double occupancy style residence hall room without the explicit written consent of Student Living are subject to documentation via the Code of Student Conduct.
- The Student is also expected to comply with cleaning regulations which include properly cleaning their private spaces including bedrooms, and any assigned common spaces (such as bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens) within their cluster or apartment. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing shall be grounds for University disciplinary action and/or charge for repairs.
Cooking appliances including but not limited to air fryers, hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens, rice cookers, and grills are prohibited in the follow Utica University Residence Hall rooms/suites:
- North Hall
- South Hall
- Bell Hall
- Tower Hall
- Boehlert Hall
Cooking appliances are permitted only in the following Utica University Residence Hall apartment or designated spaces:
- Pioneer Village
- Alumni Hall (in apartment kitchenette area only)
- Bell Hall (common area kitchen only)
- Tower Hall (common area kitchen only)
Residents assigned to Pioneer Village and Alumni Hall are permitted the use of up to 4 countertop appliances. These residents will be provided official information on approved items and the number of appliances allowed prior to moving in.
- The removal, loss of, or damage to a window, screen or window stop from student rooms or public areas in a residential facility is prohibited and may result in an installation and/or replacement charge and disciplinary action. The placing of any objects outside the window, including aerials and similar equipment, is prohibited. ii. Residents are prohibited from being on building ledges or roofs. iii. Throwing objects from windows is prohibited. iv. Opening of security screens except in emergency situations is prohibited.
- Pets are not permitted in the residence halls. The only exception to this policy is, with the approval of all roommates, fish within small fish tanks (no larger than 10 gallons) are permitted.
- Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals are not pets. Emotional Support Animals may be approved as an accommodation. The Office of Learning Services is responsible for evaluating whether to grant or deny requests for an Emotional Support Animal in University Housing as an accommodation due to a disability.
- Emotional Support Animals are not allowed within the residence halls until they are approved as an accommodation through the Office of Learning Services. Students with disabilities who will use a service animal on campus must contact the Director of Learning Services for further information. For more information, please contact the Office of Learning Services at (315) 792-3032 or visit www.utica.edu/learning.
Solicitation and Sales in Residential Facilities
Students shall be prohibited from using their rooms or any facility in the residence halls for commercial purposes, sales, solicitation, advertising, or in association with commercial vendors without the expressed permission from the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.
Excessive Loads
The University reserves the right to impose reasonable requirements and prohibitions with respect to the use or storage of heavy items in the residence halls. Waterbeds, personal mattresses, and other heavy items imposing excessive stress are not permitted.
Students shall not participate in illegal gambling activities on University-owned or controlled property.
Furniture supplied by the University shall be maintained in its proper location. The Student may rearrange furniture within the residence halls but may not disassemble it, alter it in any permanent way, remove it from the residence halls, exchange it with other students, or move it to other locations. No furniture shall be taken from lounges or other common areas and placed in a Student's private area of residence or moved to any other location. There may be an administrative fee charged for locating and returning public area property found in students' rooms. This fee may also be assessed in case screens are removed from windows and/or need to be reinstalled.
The Student shall comply with all University rules and regulations in effect with respect to the operation and parking of motor vehicles. All vehicles must be registered with the University. Vehicle registration with Campus Safety must occur at least 24 hours prior to bringing any vehicle to campus. Residential students may only park in residential parking lots and not commuter lots or the Pioneer Village parking lot. Pioneer Village residents may only park in the Pioneer Village parking lot and not in residential student nor commuter lots.
Air Conditioning, Heating, etc.
No air conditioning or other heating or cooling equipment or apparatus shall be added to or utilized in the room or residence halls without the prior written consent of the University.
Other Rules and Regulations
The living and study conditions at an educational institution are unique and must be adjusted from time to time for the mutual benefit of the University and all of its students. Therefore, the University may impose, and the Student shall abide by, other rules and regulations for the conduct of students occupying rooms and residence halls at the University. Such rules and regulations shall be published and made generally available by the University from time to time. They shall be binding upon the Student upon publication and without any further notice.
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