Occupational Therapy Program Education Day - Agenda

Occupational Therapy Program Education Day - Agenda

40th Anniversary Celebration

Occupational Therapy Program Education Day 

Friday, September 24, 2010
8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

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Program Agenda

(Location: Economic Crime and Justice Studies Building, Lobby)


Occupational Therapy: Going Global/Starting Local (Utica, NY)

Janice Posatery BurkePresenter: Janice Posatery Burke, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
(Location: Economic Crime and Justice Studies Building, Auditorium)

Dr. Burke’s presentation will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing occupational therapists today as the profession moves to a global position. Dr.Burke will contrast the pressures and concerns from the past with the demands facing occupational therapists as the profession approaches the realization of occupational therapy’s centennial vision in 2017. In addition, Dr. Burke will discuss current issues that must be considered as today’s OTs find themselves practicing in a global health society, where patients, families, fellow practitioners, and practice information can be as close as arms reach or as far away as half-way around the world. With a global perspective comes shifting demands for individual practitioners, as well as the profession. Specific questions to be examined, include:

• How do we prioritize where we will focus our attention and energies?
• How do we retool and prepare to provide the quality of service that is needed today?
• How will each of us bring the new realities of a global society into focus while remaining grounded in the work of providing occupational therapy?
• And, most importantly, what does it mean to you when you hear that leaders in the profession expect OTs to be “a powerful, widely-recognized, science-driven, and evidence-based profession with a globally-connected and diverse workforce meeting society’s occupational needs” by 2017?

10:15 am.  MORNING BREAK
(Location: Economic Crime and Justice Studies Building, Lobby)

(Location: TBA)

Session IA

The SARA Outcome Measurement System: Simple and Effective

Presenter: Peggy Lounsbury, OTR/L

The SARA Outcome Measurement System was co-developed by Peggy Lounsbury and Sarah Watkins to provide a functional outcome measurement tool that could be used across the continuum of care, for any condition, and by all the rehab professions. The SARA Self-Report Tool is simple and effective and five research studies demonstrated the reliability and validity of this functional outcome measurement. Participants will be able to describe and understand the:

• Development process for the SARA system
• SARA characteristics, advantages and benefits
• Validity and reliability of the tool
• Use as a treatment planning tool, as well as, outcome measurement

Session IB

Use of Taping in Pediatrics

Presenter: Elizabeth A. Dixon, OTR/L

Ms. Dixon’s presentation will focus on a review of taping principles of Kinesio/Leuko taping in pediatrics. The topic will address the utilization of taping methods in pediatrics for joint stability/mobility, as well as other uses.

12:00 LUNCH
(Location: Library Concourse)

(Location: TBA)

Session IIA

Is There a PANDA in Your Caseload? (Recognizing and Managing Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Your OT Caseload)

Presenter: Janice Tona, PhD, OTR/L

Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep (PANDAS) is the most widely-recognized form of Pediatric Infection-Triggered Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PITAND), a recently-identified autoimmune disorder. PANDAS results obsessive-compulsive behaviors, tics, and ADHD symptoms following a strep infection. Exacerbations include decreased handwriting ability and sensory defensiveness, making it imperative that OT recognize PANDAS/PITAND, appreciate the impact on daily living, and engage in research to develop evidence-based interventions. Through this presentation participants will:

• Recognize the neuroimmunology and classifications of PANDAS/PITAND
• Identify current treatments
• Analyze the functional implications including sensory, handwriting, and daily living skills dysfunction
• Discuss potential OT interventions to manage PANDAS/PITAND symptoms
• Identify potential research questions to develop an evidence-based approach for OT intervention in PANDAS/PITAND

Session IIB

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome


Captain Dewayne Bramlett, MS OTR/L, PES
1LT Kirsten Wieczorek, MS, OTR/L
Occupation based Upper Extermity Rehab and Army's Doctor of Science in OT program

Scott Bowman, MS, OTR/L

Role of Occupational Therapy in the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU)

Leslie Milano-Luongo, MS, OTR/L
Fort Drum’s Traumatic Brain Injury Occupational Therapy program: Reason for developing the TBI program, the OT Toolbox and clinic setup

(Location: Romano Hall)

5:00 p.m. RECEPTION
(Location: Economic Crime and Justice Studies Building, Lobby and Auditorium)

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