Keynote - Caring Together Conference

Keynote - Caring Together Conference

Caring Together 2.0

Keynote Address:

Total Wellness: Why It Matters to You

Jack T. Kunkel, Ph.D., AMP
Motivational Speaker and Wellness Expert
Author: It’s Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss
Owner, Jack Kunkel’s Revolutionary Wellness
Jack T. Kunkel, Ph.D., AMP

As healthcare providers, we all want the best for our patients. We spend years learning and perfecting our crafts, and if we fail, we tend to take it personally. What if your treatment is perfect, but you do not see the expected outcome?

This presentation will give an overview of wellness and how our speaker succeeds in the healthcare industry using his “Wellness Wheel.” There are four main aspects when it comes to wellness: nutrition,  lifestyle, exercise, and mindset. In general terms, nutrition represents quality foods, portion control, and meal timing. Lifestyle includes sleep hygiene, stress management, and social interactions. Exercise includes your physical activities, amount of daily movement, and physical hobbies. Mindset includes your thought patterns, willpower, and attitude. If you are eating properly, but stressed every day, your results can actually be negated. If you are exercising six days a week, but eating junk food all day and  night, you won’t see the results you are expecting., Furthermore, if you are sitting all day and never  getting up to move, your body is not going to respond very well.

In this talk, participants will understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to healing—one that empowers the patient to begin to heal themselves.

About Jack T. Kunkel, Ph.D., AMP
Dr. Kunkel’s energy in leading a healthy lifestyle stems from personal health struggles which led him to take action with his own nutritional habits. From this experience, combined with his passion for helping people, his enthusiasm was directed into guiding clients to meet their own nutritional needs, fitness goals, and improving confidence in themselves.

Dr. Kunkel’s eagerness to succeed and desire to learn has helped others achieve weight loss and is recognized in national magazines and fitness websites. Dr. Kunkel has spent his entire career, not only helping individual achieve wellness goals, but also helping business professionals become better leaders and communicators.

Dr. Kunkel is a motivational speaker and works with clients to build customized individual wellness plans, as well as build corporate wellness programs. He is the author of It’s Fat Loss, Not Weight Loss and is the owner of Jack T. Kunkel’s Revolutionary Wellness. Additionally, Dr. Kunkel teaches corporate wellness at Utica College.

Dr. Kunkel holds a Ph.D. in Natural Medicine from Quantum University and an M.S. in Applied Clinical Nutrition. He is a board certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and holds numerous certifications, including: ACE Certified Health Coach, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Weight Management Specialist, Expert Rating Sports Nutrition Certification, NESTA Certified Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and WELCOA certified Corporate Wellness Specialist.

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