

Media Center Movies


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Movie Title Length Format
10 Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities 26:00 VHS & DVD
Aging in America: Dignity or Despair? 180 minutes VHS
Aging in Rural America 23 minutes VHS
Aging...A Shared Experience 19 minutes VHS
All of Our Lives 28 minutes VHS
Alzheime'rs Disease: Caregivers Dilemma 64 minutes VHS
Alzheimer's Update: Translating Theory Into Practice (UC Production) 10/30/87 VHS
And the Home of the Brave 17 minutes VHS
Assessing Older Persons for Assistive Devices & Environmental Interventions 14 minutes VHS
Assessing the Mental Status of the Older Person 34 minutes VHS
Assistive Technology and Older Persons With Physical/Sensory Disabilities 61 minutes VHS
Back to Basics: Back Injury Prevention 20 minutes VHS
Batteries Not Included 107:00 VHS
Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Speaker Dr. John Health, SUNY Health Science (Geriatric Program) 3/28/89 VHS
Caregivers: Giving Care, Taking Care 26 minutes VHS
Caregiving With Grace 39 minutes VHS
Choice is Yours: Housing Options for Seniors Today 43 minutes VHS
Close Harmony 29 minutes VHS
Complex Carbohydrates Simplified 15 minutes VHS
Concepts in Nutrition: Cultural Foundations of Diet 15 minutes VHS
Depression: Children, Adolescents & the Elderly 120 minutes VHS
Designing the Environment for Persons With Dementia 20 minutes VHS
Diet and Health 14 minutes VHS
Drugs: From Research to Your Patient 30 minutes VHS
Energy Expenditure and Caloric Needs 23 minutes VHS
Expensive Lessons: Why You Need Long Term Insurance 35 minutes VHS
Gerontology: Challenges of Aging: Change & Loss 14 minutes VHS
Gerontology: Meeting Mobility, Sexual & Nutritional Needs 34 minutes VHS
Grace 58 minutes VHS
Growing Older in America 60 minutes VHS
Human Body: Symptoms of Aging 28 minutes VHS
Indian Mainstream 30 minutes VHS
Look Out for Annie 27 minutes VHS
Low Fat Cooking 24 minutes VHS
Medicating the Geriatric Patient 23 minutes VHS
Medicating the Patient: Nursing Responsibilities 20 minutes VHS
Medicating the Patient: Preparing Medications 20 minutes VHS
Medications & Elders: A Delicate Balance 34 minutes VHS
Memories of Love: Caring for the Caregiver 15 minutes VHS
Mental Health Players Gerontology Seminar 7/28/87 VHS
My Mother, My Father VHS
My Mother, My Father, Seven Years Later 42 minutes VHS
New Food Guide Pyramid 27 minutes VHS
On My Own, Daisy Turner 28 minutes VHS
Problems of the Elderly: The Choice is Yours 14 minutes VHS
Quilts in Women's Lives 28 minutes VHS
Right to Die: The Choice is Yours 14 minutes VHS
Rose By Any Other Name 15 minutes VHS
Seven Days A Week 30 minutes VHS
Thousand Tomorrows: Intimacy, Sexuality & Alzheimer's 31 minutes VHS
To Dance With the White Dog 98:00 VHS
Understanding the Mysteries of Memory 53 minutes VHS
Use of Assistive Devices: Devices by Older Persons With Disabilities 6 minutes VHS
Wild Goose 19 minutes VHS
Women of Hudson 28 minutes VHS
Young at Heart 28 minutes VHS

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