

Media Center Movies

Education and Psychology

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Movie Title Length Format
10 Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities 26:00 VHS & DVD
400 Blows 99:00 DVD
7 Effective Strategies for Secondary Inclusion 65:00 DVD
Alive 127:00 DVD
Arts as Therapy with Children 40:12 DVD
As Good As It Gets 139:00 DVD
Asylum: A History of the Mental Institution in America 60:00 DVD
Autism is a World 39:50 DVD
Autism: The Child Who Couldn't Play 46:00 DVD
Being Seen and Heard: The Needs of Children of Parents with Mental Illness 60:00 DVD
Black, White & Brown: Brown vs the Board of Education - Topeka (DVD) 60 minutes DVD
Bowling for Columbine 120:00 DVD
Brilliant Madness 60:00 DVD
Brokeback Mountain 135:00 DVD
Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case that Made History 40:00 DVD
Caring at the Endl of Life 45:00 DVD
Changing the Face of Dying 49:20 DVD
Child Centered Play Therapy 50:00 DVD
Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson to Spock...and Beyond 22:00 DVD
Clockwork Genes: Discoveries in Biological Time DVD
Community Voices 69 minutes DVD
Copyright 101: An Introduction to Copyright 43:00 DVD
Crash 122:00 DVD
Darius Goes West 94:00 DVD
Darius Goes West (Closed Caption Version) 94:00 DVD
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father 95:00 DVD
Decllining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk 120:00 DVD
Discovering Psychology Series (7Discs - 26 Programs) CC DVD
Don't Say a Word 113:00 DVD
Dying to be Thin 60:00 DVD
Dyslexia: Testing & Teaching 60:00 DVD
Encouraging Communication and Play 20:00 DVD
Finding Forrester 136:00 DVD
First Do No Harm 94:00 DVD
Fraulein and the Sandman 88:00 DVD
Freedom Machines 76:00 DVD
Freedom Writers 122:00 DVD
Frida (DVD) 123:00 DVD
Great Debaters (Denzel Washington) 124:00 DVD
Great Ideas of Philosophy, Vol 1 & 2 30 min. each - 60 programs DVD
Grown Up Tears: Adults Grieving the Death of a Parent 28:00 DVD
Heart of America 87:00 DVD
How Difficult Can This Be? 70:00 DVD
How to Read & Understand a Research Study 24:00 DVD
If You Label It This, It Can't Be That 13:00 DVD
In the Womb 89:00 DVD
Inclusion Classics: Kids Belong Together 24:00 DVD
Inclusion Classics: With a Little Help From My Friends 59:00 DVD
Inside Out: Endless Questions 26:40 DVD
Insomnia 118:00 DVD
Jack 113:00 DVD
John Q 112:00 DVD
Keeper of the Kohn 65:00 DVD
Kinsey 118:00 DVD
Lean on Me (See: Stand and Deliver) 109:00 DVD
Lost Prince 179:00 DVD
Loving Walter 128:00 DVD
Mad Hot Ballroom 105:00 DVD
Madness: A History 51:00 DVD
Magdalene Sisters 120:00 DVD
Meaning From Data: Statistics Made Clear (24 Lectures) 30:00 ea DVD
Measuring Up: An Introduction to Research Methods DVD
Mind in Motion 52:00 DVD
Narcotic Farm 55:00 DVD
Needle Play 11:00 DVD
No Child Left Behind 120:00 DVD
No Country for Old Men 122:00 DVD
Obedience 45:00 DVD
Objects and Memory 62:00 DVD
Ordinary People 124:00 DVD
Ourselves, Our Bodies: The Feminist Movement and the Battle Over Abortion 50:00 DVD
Persona 83:00 DVD
Phantom Limb 28:00 DVD
Power of 2 172:75 DVD
Qualitative Research: Methods in the Social Sciences 21:00 DVD
Quantitative Research: Methods in the Social Sciences 20:00 DVD
Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment 50:00 DVD
Read Me Differenly 56:00 DVD
Research Design: The Experiment 21:00 DVD
Research Paper Made Easy: From Assignment to Completion 55:00 DVD
Research Process: Research Design (Power Point) 21:00 DVD
Rivers and Tides: Working With Time 90:00 DVD
RTI Tackles the LD Explosiion (Learning Disabilities) 31:00 DVD
Scientific Method 25:00 DVD
Seasons of Life 60 minutes each VHS & DVD
1. Infancy and Early Childhood  
2. Childhood and Adolescence  
3. Early Adulthood  
4. Middle Adulthood  
5. Later Adulthood  
Sex Determination: The Meaning o Sex: Genes & Gender DVD
Shackleton's Voyage of Endurance 120:00 DVD
Shall We Dance 119:00 DVD
Shameless: The Art of Disability 49:00 DVD
Signs of Life 40:00 DVD
Silent Witness: The Kitty Genoves Murder 50:00 DVD
Solo Mia (Spanish with English Subtitles) 100:00 DVD
Stand and Deliver 103:00 DVD
Successfully Parenting Your Baby with Special Needs 57:06 DVD
Taxi Driver 114:00 DVD
Techniques of Play Therapy 50:00 DVD
Temple Grandin 109:00 DVD
Ten Things Every Child Needs for the Best Start in Life 60:00 DVD
The Baby Human Part 1 150:00 DVD
The Baby Human Part 2 155:00 DVD
Thin 102:00 DVD
This Emotional Life 6 hrs on 3 DVDs DVD
Touching the Void 107:00 DVD
Touchpoints 132:00 DVD
Understanding Death 10:00 DVD
Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years After Willowbrook 57:00 DVD
Using What We Know: Applying Piaget's Developmental Theory in Primary Classrooms 35:00 DVD
West 47th Street 83:00 DVD
Where Do the Children Play? 57:00 DVD
William James: The Psyhology of Possibility 40:00 DVD

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