

Media Center Movies

Foreign Languages - German

Any Format | VHS Only | DVD Only | 16mm

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Movie Title Length Format
Before the Fall (Napola) 110:00 DVD
Colonel Redl (German w/English Subtitles 142:00 VHS
Downfall (German w/Eng. Subtitle) 155:00 DVD
Film Unfinished 90:00 DVD
Germans: Portrait of a New Nation 58 minutes VHS
Head-On (German w/English Subtitles) 118:00 DVD
Images of Germany, Past, and Present: A Film Collection 17 programs 30 minutes each VHS
Legends of Rita (German w/English Subtitles) 103:00 VHS
Marriage of Maria Braun (German w/English Subtitles) 120:00 VHS
Nacht fiel uber Gotenhafen (in German w/German subtitles) 94:00 DVD
Rosa Luxenburg (German & Polish w/English subtitles) 122:00 VHS
Specialist (German w/English Subtitles) 128:00 VHS

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