MAT 201 Calculus I

Welcome to the home page of Xiao Xiao's Calculus I course at Utica College. You can find all the information and documents for this course on this page. Please check this page frequently for homework assignments. 

Important Links:

Instructor Information
General Course Information and Policies
Your Role and My Role

Course Learning Goals
  • 1: Be able to calculate average rates of change algebraically.
  • 2: Be able to compute instantaneous rate of change by using average rates of change.
  • 3: Be able to evaluate limits of basic functions algebraically.
  • 4: Be able to evaluate limits of basic functions geometrically.
  • 5: Be able to use the limit definition to find derivatives.
  • 6: Be able to use first derivative to describe the monotonicity of a function.
  • 7: Be able to use second derivative to describe concavity of a function.
  • 8: Be able to determine whether a function has a limit at a point.
  • 9: Be able to determine whether a function is continuous at a point.
  • 10: Be able to determine whether a function is differentiable at a point.
  • 11: Be able to find the algebraic equation of tangent lines to a differentiable function.
  • 12: Be able to use the tangent line of a function to approximate function values.
  • 13: Be able to compute derivatives of polynomials.
  • 14: Be able to compute derivatives of exponential functions.
  • 15: Be able to compute derivatives of logarithmic functions.
  • 16: Be able to compute derivatives of trigonometric functions.
  • 17: Be able to compute derivatives of anti-trigonometric functions.
  • 18: Be able to compute derivatives using product rule.
  • 19: Be able to compute derivatives using quotient rule.
  • 20: Be able to compute derivatives using the chain rule.
  • 21: Be able to find derivatives of inverse functions.
  • 22: Be able to find derivatives using implicit differentiation.
  • 23: Be able to use derivatives to find local extreme values.
  • 24: Be able to use derivatives to find global extreme values.
  • 25: Be able to solve related rates problem.
  • 26: Be able to solve optimization problem.
You are strongly encouraged to download and print a copy of the learning goals to record your grade.



Quizzes and Examinations


Letter Grade Goals Homework Points Presentations Perusall Grade
A at least 23 at least 28 at least 5 at least 2.6
A- at least 22 at least 26 at least 5 at least 2.4
B+ at least 21 at least 24 at least 4 at least 2.2
B at least 20 at least 22 at least 4 at least 2.0
B- at least 18 at least 20 at least 3 at least 1.8
C+ at least 16 at least 18 at least 3 at least 1.6
C at least 15 at least 16 at least 2 at least 1.4
C- at least 13 at least 14 at least 1 at least 1.2
D+ at least 11 at least 12 at least 1 at least 1.0
D at least 10 at least 10 at least 1 at least 0.5
F less than 10 less than 10 less than 1 less than 0.3

I have zero tolerance on dishonesty. Any forms of dishonesty such as copying homework or cheating on quizzes and examinations, will result in zero credit for that particular assignment, and will be reported to the Academic Standards Committee. The highest penalty a student can receive is "F for cheating" for the course. There might be additional sanctions by the Academic Standards Committee such as dismissal from the college. See Utica College official page for Academic Honesty for more details.

Tentative Schedule

Chapter 1 Week 1-5
Chapter 2 Week 6-10
Chapter 3 Week 11-14


Any student who has need of special accommodations in this class due to a documented disability should speak with me as soon as possible, preferably within the first two weeks of class. You should also contact Judy Borner, Director of Learning Services in the Academic Support Services Center (315-792-3032 or ) in order to determine eligibility for services and to receive an accommodation letter. We will work with you to help you in your efforts to master the course content in an effective and appropriate way. See Utica College official page
for Student With Disabilities for more details.


It is the students' responsibility to keep informed of all announcements, syllabus adjustments, or policy changes during the semester via this web page or via school emails. The author of this syllabus reserves the right to change it with notice at any time during the semester.